/** * portal - jQuery EasyUI * * Licensed under the GPL: * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt * * Copyright 2010-2012 stworthy [ stworthy@gmail.com ] * * Dependencies: * draggable * panel * */ (function($){ /** * initialize the portal */ function init(target){ $(target).addClass('portal'); var table = $('
').appendTo(target); var tr = table.find('tr'); var columnWidths = []; var totalWidth = 0; $(target).children('div:first').addClass('portal-column-left'); $(target).children('div:last').addClass('portal-column-right'); $(target).find('>div').each(function(){ // each column panel var column = $(this); totalWidth += column.outerWidth(); columnWidths.push(column.outerWidth()); var td = $('').appendTo(tr) column.addClass('portal-column').appendTo(td); column.find('>div').each(function(){ // each portal panel var p = $(this).addClass('portal-p').panel({ doSize:false, cls:'portal-panel' }); makeDraggable(target, p); }); }); for(var i=0; itable').outerHeight() > t.height(); var width = t.width(); var columnWidths = $.data(target, 'portal').columnWidths; var leftWidth = 0; // calculate and set every column size for(var i=0; idiv.panel-header>div.panel-title', proxy:function(source){ var p = $('
').insertAfter(source); p.width($(source).width()); p.height($(source).height()); p.html($(source).html()); p.find('div.portal-p').removeClass('portal-p'); return p; }, onBeforeDrag:function(e){ e.data.startTop = $(this).position().top + $(target).scrollTop(); }, onStartDrag:function(e){ $(this).hide(); spacer = $('
').insertAfter(this); setSpacerSize($(this).outerWidth(), $(this).outerHeight()); }, onDrag:function(e){ var p = findPanel(e, this); if (p){ if (p.pos == 'up'){ spacer.insertBefore(p.target); } else { spacer.insertAfter(p.target); } setSpacerSize($(p.target).outerWidth()); } else { var c = findColumn(e); if (c){ if (c.find('div.portal-spacer').length == 0){ spacer.appendTo(c); setSize(target); setSpacerSize(c.width()); } } } }, onStopDrag:function(e){ $(this).css('position', 'static'); $(this).show(); spacer.hide(); $(this).insertAfter(spacer); spacer.remove(); setSize(target); panel.panel('move'); var opts = $.data(target, 'portal').options; opts.onStateChange.call(target); } }); /** * find which panel the cursor is over */ function findPanel(e, source){ var result = null; $(target).find('div.portal-p').each(function(){ var pal = $(this).panel('panel'); if (pal[0] != source){ var pos = pal.offset(); if (e.pageX > pos.left && e.pageX < pos.left + pal.outerWidth() && e.pageY > pos.top && e.pageY < pos.top + pal.outerHeight()){ if (e.pageY > pos.top + pal.outerHeight() / 2){ result = { target:pal, pos:'down' }; } else { result = { target:pal, pos:'up' } } } } }); return result; } /** * find which portal column the cursor is over */ function findColumn(e){ var result = null; $(target).find('div.portal-column').each(function(){ var pal = $(this); var pos = pal.offset(); if (e.pageX > pos.left && e.pageX < pos.left + pal.outerWidth()){ result = pal; } }); return result; } /** * set the spacer size */ function setSpacerSize(width, height){ spacer._outerWidth(width); if (height){ spacer._outerHeight(height); } } } $.fn.portal = function(options, param){ if (typeof options == 'string'){ return $.fn.portal.methods[options](this, param); } options = options || {}; return this.each(function(){ var state = $.data(this, 'portal'); if (state){ $.extend(state.options, options); } else { state = $.data(this, 'portal', { options: $.extend({}, $.fn.portal.defaults, $.fn.portal.parseOptions(this), options), columnWidths: init(this) }); } if (state.options.border){ $(this).removeClass('portal-noborder'); } else { $(this).addClass('portal-noborder'); } setSize(this); }); }; $.fn.portal.methods = { options: function(jq){ return $.data(jq[0], 'portal').options; }, resize: function(jq, param){ return jq.each(function(){ if (param){ var opts = $.data(this, 'portal').options; if (param.width) opts.width = param.width; if (param.height) opts.height = param.height; } setSize(this); }); }, getPanels: function(jq, columnIndex){ var c = jq; // the panel container if (columnIndex >= 0){ c = jq.find('div.portal-column:eq(' + columnIndex + ')'); } var panels = []; c.find('div.portal-p').each(function(){ panels.push($(this)); }); return panels; }, add: function(jq, param){ // param: {panel,columnIndex} return jq.each(function(){ var c = $(this).find('div.portal-column:eq(' + param.columnIndex + ')'); var p = param.panel.addClass('portal-p'); p.panel('panel').addClass('portal-panel').appendTo(c); makeDraggable(this, p); p.panel('resize', {width:c.width()}); }); }, remove: function(jq, panel){ return jq.each(function(){ var panels = $(this).portal('getPanels'); for(var i=0; i