import os.path as op import warnings from functools import wraps from flask import Blueprint, current_app, render_template, abort, g, url_for from flask_admin import babel from flask_admin._compat import with_metaclass, as_unicode from flask_admin import helpers as h # For compatibility reasons import MenuLink from import MenuCategory, MenuView, MenuLink # noqa: F401 def expose(url='/', methods=('GET',)): """ Use this decorator to expose views in your view classes. :param url: Relative URL for the view :param methods: Allowed HTTP methods. By default only GET is allowed. """ def wrap(f): if not hasattr(f, '_urls'): f._urls = [] f._urls.append((url, methods)) return f return wrap def expose_plugview(url='/'): """ Decorator to expose Flask's pluggable view classes (``flask.views.View`` or ``flask.views.MethodView``). :param url: Relative URL for the view .. versionadded:: 1.0.4 """ def wrap(v): handler = expose(url, v.methods) if hasattr(v, 'as_view'): return handler(v.as_view(v.__name__)) else: return handler(v) return wrap # Base views def _wrap_view(f): # Avoid wrapping view method twice if hasattr(f, '_wrapped'): return f @wraps(f) def inner(self, *args, **kwargs): # Store current admin view h.set_current_view(self) # Check if administrative piece is accessible abort = self._handle_view(f.__name__, **kwargs) if abort is not None: return abort return self._run_view(f, *args, **kwargs) inner._wrapped = True return inner class AdminViewMeta(type): """ View metaclass. Does some precalculations (like getting list of view methods from the class) to avoid calculating them for each view class instance. """ def __init__(cls, classname, bases, fields): type.__init__(cls, classname, bases, fields) # Gather exposed views cls._urls = [] cls._default_view = None for p in dir(cls): attr = getattr(cls, p) if hasattr(attr, '_urls'): # Collect methods for url, methods in attr._urls: cls._urls.append((url, p, methods)) if url == '/': cls._default_view = p # Wrap views setattr(cls, p, _wrap_view(attr)) class BaseViewClass(object): pass class BaseView(with_metaclass(AdminViewMeta, BaseViewClass)): """ Base administrative view. Derive from this class to implement your administrative interface piece. For example:: from flask_admin import BaseView, expose class MyView(BaseView): @expose('/') def index(self): return 'Hello World!' Icons can be added to the menu by using `menu_icon_type` and `menu_icon_value`. For example:: admin.add_view(MyView(name='My View', menu_icon_type='glyph', menu_icon_value='glyphicon-home')) """ @property def _template_args(self): """ Extra template arguments. If you need to pass some extra parameters to the template, you can override particular view function, contribute arguments you want to pass to the template and call parent view. These arguments are local for this request and will be discarded in the next request. Any value passed through ``_template_args`` will override whatever parent view function passed to the template. For example:: class MyAdmin(ModelView): @expose('/') def index(self): self._template_args['name'] = 'foobar' self._template_args['code'] = '12345' super(MyAdmin, self).index() """ args = getattr(g, '_admin_template_args', None) if args is None: args = g._admin_template_args = dict() return args def __init__(self, name=None, category=None, endpoint=None, url=None, static_folder=None, static_url_path=None, menu_class_name=None, menu_icon_type=None, menu_icon_value=None): """ Constructor. :param name: Name of this view. If not provided, will default to the class name. :param category: View category. If not provided, this view will be shown as a top-level menu item. Otherwise, it will be in a submenu. :param endpoint: Base endpoint name for the view. For example, if there's a view method called "index" and endpoint is set to "myadmin", you can use `url_for('myadmin.index')` to get the URL to the view method. Defaults to the class name in lower case. :param url: Base URL. If provided, affects how URLs are generated. For example, if the url parameter is "test", the resulting URL will look like "/admin/test/". If not provided, will use endpoint as a base url. However, if URL starts with '/', absolute path is assumed and '/admin/' prefix won't be applied. :param static_url_path: Static URL Path. If provided, this specifies the path to the static url directory. :param menu_class_name: Optional class name for the menu item. :param menu_icon_type: Optional icon. Possible icon types: - `flask_admin.consts.ICON_TYPE_GLYPH` - Bootstrap glyph icon - `flask_admin.consts.ICON_TYPE_FONT_AWESOME` - Font Awesome icon - `flask_admin.consts.ICON_TYPE_IMAGE` - Image relative to Flask static directory - `flask_admin.consts.ICON_TYPE_IMAGE_URL` - Image with full URL :param menu_icon_value: Icon glyph name or URL, depending on `menu_icon_type` setting """ = name self.category = category self.endpoint = self._get_endpoint(endpoint) self.url = url self.static_folder = static_folder self.static_url_path = static_url_path = None self.menu_class_name = menu_class_name self.menu_icon_type = menu_icon_type self.menu_icon_value = menu_icon_value # Initialized from create_blueprint self.admin = None self.blueprint = None # Default view if self._default_view is None: raise Exception(u'Attempted to instantiate admin view %s without default view' % self.__class__.__name__) def _get_endpoint(self, endpoint): """ Generate Flask endpoint name. By default converts class name to lower case if endpoint is not explicitly provided. """ if endpoint: return endpoint return self.__class__.__name__.lower() def _get_view_url(self, admin, url): """ Generate URL for the view. Override to change default behavior. """ if url is None: if admin.url != '/': url = '%s/%s' % (admin.url, self.endpoint) else: if self == admin.index_view: url = '/' else: url = '/%s' % self.endpoint else: if not url.startswith('/'): url = '%s/%s' % (admin.url, url) return url def create_blueprint(self, admin): """ Create Flask blueprint. """ # Store admin instance self.admin = admin # If the static_url_path is not provided, use the admin's if not self.static_url_path: self.static_url_path = admin.static_url_path # Generate URL self.url = self._get_view_url(admin, self.url) # If we're working from the root of the site, set prefix to None if self.url == '/': self.url = None # prevent admin static files from conflicting with flask static files if not self.static_url_path: self.static_folder = 'static' self.static_url_path = '/static/admin' # If name is not povided, use capitalized endpoint name if is None: = self._prettify_class_name(self.__class__.__name__) # Create blueprint and register rules self.blueprint = Blueprint(self.endpoint, __name__, url_prefix=self.url, subdomain=self.admin.subdomain, template_folder=op.join('templates', self.admin.template_mode), static_folder=self.static_folder, static_url_path=self.static_url_path) for url, name, methods in self._urls: self.blueprint.add_url_rule(url, name, getattr(self, name), methods=methods) return self.blueprint def render(self, template, **kwargs): """ Render template :param template: Template path to render :param kwargs: Template arguments """ # Store self as admin_view kwargs['admin_view'] = self kwargs['admin_base_template'] = self.admin.base_template # Provide i18n support even if flask-babel is not installed # or enabled. kwargs['_gettext'] = babel.gettext kwargs['_ngettext'] = babel.ngettext kwargs['h'] = h # Expose get_url helper kwargs['get_url'] = self.get_url # Expose config info kwargs['config'] = current_app.config # Contribute extra arguments kwargs.update(self._template_args) return render_template(template, **kwargs) def _prettify_class_name(self, name): """ Split words in PascalCase string into separate words. :param name: String to prettify """ return h.prettify_class_name(name) def is_visible(self): """ Override this method if you want dynamically hide or show administrative views from Flask-Admin menu structure By default, item is visible in menu. Please note that item should be both visible and accessible to be displayed in menu. """ return True def is_accessible(self): """ Override this method to add permission checks. Flask-Admin does not make any assumptions about the authentication system used in your application, so it is up to you to implement it. By default, it will allow access for everyone. """ return True def _handle_view(self, name, **kwargs): """ This method will be executed before calling any view method. It will execute the ``inaccessible_callback`` if the view is not accessible. :param name: View function name :param kwargs: View function arguments """ if not self.is_accessible(): return self.inaccessible_callback(name, **kwargs) def _run_view(self, fn, *args, **kwargs): """ This method will run actual view function. While it is similar to _handle_view, can be used to change arguments that are passed to the view. :param fn: View function :param kwargs: Arguments """ return fn(self, *args, **kwargs) def inaccessible_callback(self, name, **kwargs): """ Handle the response to inaccessible views. By default, it throw HTTP 403 error. Override this method to customize the behaviour. """ return abort(403) def get_url(self, endpoint, **kwargs): """ Generate URL for the endpoint. If you want to customize URL generation logic (persist some query string argument, for example), this is right place to do it. :param endpoint: Flask endpoint name :param kwargs: Arguments for `url_for` """ return url_for(endpoint, **kwargs) @property def _debug(self): if not self.admin or not return False return class AdminIndexView(BaseView): """ Default administrative interface index page when visiting the ``/admin/`` URL. It can be overridden by passing your own view class to the ``Admin`` constructor:: class MyHomeView(AdminIndexView): @expose('/') def index(self): arg1 = 'Hello' return self.render('admin/myhome.html', arg1=arg1) admin = Admin(index_view=MyHomeView()) Also, you can change the root url from /admin to / with the following:: admin = Admin( app, index_view=AdminIndexView( name='Home', template='admin/myhome.html', url='/' ) ) Default values for the index page are: * If a name is not provided, 'Home' will be used. * If an endpoint is not provided, will default to ``admin`` * Default URL route is ``/admin``. * Automatically associates with static folder. * Default template is ``admin/index.html`` """ def __init__(self, name=None, category=None, endpoint=None, url=None, template='admin/index.html', menu_class_name=None, menu_icon_type=None, menu_icon_value=None): super(AdminIndexView, self).__init__(name or babel.lazy_gettext('Home'), category, endpoint or 'admin', '/admin' if url is None else url, 'static', menu_class_name=menu_class_name, menu_icon_type=menu_icon_type, menu_icon_value=menu_icon_value) self._template = template @expose() def index(self): return self.render(self._template) class Admin(object): """ Collection of the admin views. Also manages menu structure. """ def __init__(self, app=None, name=None, url=None, subdomain=None, index_view=None, translations_path=None, endpoint=None, static_url_path=None, base_template=None, template_mode=None, category_icon_classes=None): """ Constructor. :param app: Flask application object :param name: Application name. Will be displayed in the main menu and as a page title. Defaults to "Admin" :param url: Base URL :param subdomain: Subdomain to use :param index_view: Home page view to use. Defaults to `AdminIndexView`. :param translations_path: Location of the translation message catalogs. By default will use the translations shipped with Flask-Admin. :param endpoint: Base endpoint name for index view. If you use multiple instances of the `Admin` class with a single Flask application, you have to set a unique endpoint name for each instance. :param static_url_path: Static URL Path. If provided, this specifies the default path to the static url directory for all its views. Can be overridden in view configuration. :param base_template: Override base HTML template for all static views. Defaults to `admin/base.html`. :param template_mode: Base template path. Defaults to `bootstrap2`. If you want to use Bootstrap 3 integration, change it to `bootstrap3`. :param category_icon_classes: A dict of category names as keys and html classes as values to be added to menu category icons. Example: {'Favorites': 'glyphicon glyphicon-star'} """ = app self.translations_path = translations_path self._views = [] self._menu = [] self._menu_categories = dict() self._menu_links = [] if name is None: name = 'Admin' = name self.index_view = index_view or AdminIndexView(endpoint=endpoint, url=url) self.endpoint = endpoint or self.index_view.endpoint self.url = url or self.index_view.url self.static_url_path = static_url_path self.subdomain = subdomain self.base_template = base_template or 'admin/base.html' self.template_mode = template_mode or 'bootstrap2' self.category_icon_classes = category_icon_classes or dict() # Add index view self._set_admin_index_view(index_view=index_view, endpoint=endpoint, url=url) # Register with application if app is not None: self._init_extension() def add_view(self, view): """ Add a view to the collection. :param view: View to add. """ # Add to views self._views.append(view) # If app was provided in constructor, register view with Flask app if is not None: self._add_view_to_menu(view) def _set_admin_index_view(self, index_view=None, endpoint=None, url=None): """ Add the admin index view. :param index_view: Home page view to use. Defaults to `AdminIndexView`. :param url: Base URL :param endpoint: Base endpoint name for index view. If you use multiple instances of the `Admin` class with a single Flask application, you have to set a unique endpoint name for each instance. """ self.index_view = index_view or AdminIndexView(endpoint=endpoint, url=url) self.endpoint = endpoint or self.index_view.endpoint self.url = url or self.index_view.url # Add predefined index view # assume index view is always the first element of views. if len(self._views) > 0: self._views[0] = self.index_view else: self.add_view(self.index_view) def add_views(self, *args): """ Add one or more views to the collection. Examples:: admin.add_views(view1) admin.add_views(view1, view2, view3, view4) admin.add_views(*my_list) :param args: Argument list including the views to add. """ for view in args: self.add_view(view) def add_link(self, link): """ Add link to menu links collection. :param link: Link to add. """ if link.category: self.add_menu_item(link, link.category) else: self._menu_links.append(link) def add_links(self, *args): """ Add one or more links to the menu links collection. Examples:: admin.add_links(link1) admin.add_links(link1, link2, link3, link4) admin.add_links(*my_list) :param args: Argument list including the links to add. """ for link in args: self.add_link(link) def add_menu_item(self, menu_item, target_category=None): """ Add menu item to menu tree hierarchy. :param menu_item: MenuItem class instance :param target_category: Target category name """ if target_category: cat_text = as_unicode(target_category) category = self._menu_categories.get(cat_text) # create a new menu category if one does not exist already if category is None: category = MenuCategory(target_category) category.class_name = self.category_icon_classes.get(cat_text) self._menu_categories[cat_text] = category self._menu.append(category) category.add_child(menu_item) else: self._menu.append(menu_item) def _add_menu_item(self, menu_item, target_category): warnings.warn('Admin._add_menu_item is obsolete - use Admin.add_menu_item instead.') return self.add_menu_item(menu_item, target_category) def _add_view_to_menu(self, view): """ Add a view to the menu tree :param view: View to add """ self.add_menu_item(MenuView(, view), view.category) def get_category_menu_item(self, name): return self._menu_categories.get(name) def init_app(self, app, index_view=None, endpoint=None, url=None): """ Register all views with the Flask application. :param app: Flask application instance """ = app self._init_extension() # Register Index view if index_view is not None: self._set_admin_index_view( index_view=index_view, endpoint=endpoint, url=url ) # Register views for view in self._views: app.register_blueprint(view.create_blueprint(self)) def _init_extension(self): if not hasattr(, 'extensions'): = dict() admins ='admin', []) for p in admins: if p.endpoint == self.endpoint: raise Exception(u'Cannot have two Admin() instances with same' u' endpoint name.') if p.url == self.url and p.subdomain == self.subdomain: raise Exception(u'Cannot assign two Admin() instances with same' u' URL and subdomain to the same application.') admins.append(self)['admin'] = admins def menu(self): """ Return the menu hierarchy. """ return self._menu def menu_links(self): """ Return menu links. """ return self._menu_links