all_runtimes.html 3.8 KB

  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
  2. <html xmlns="" dir="ltr">
  3. <head>
  4. <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
  5. <title>Plupload - Queue widget example</title>
  6. <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../js/jquery.plupload.queue/css/jquery.plupload.queue.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
  7. <script src="//"></script>
  8. <!-- production -->
  9. <script type="text/javascript" src="../../js/plupload.full.min.js"></script>
  10. <script type="text/javascript" src="../../js/jquery.plupload.queue/jquery.plupload.queue.js"></script>
  11. <!-- debug
  12. <script type="text/javascript" src="../../js/moxie.js"></script>
  13. <script type="text/javascript" src="../../js/"></script>
  14. <script type="text/javascript" src="../../js/jquery.plupload.queue/jquery.plupload.queue.js"></script>
  15. -->
  16. </head>
  17. <body style="font: 13px Verdana; background: #eee; color: #333">
  18. <form method="post" action="dump.php">
  19. <h1>Queue widget example</h1>
  20. <p>Shows the jQuery Plupload Queue widget and under different runtimes.</p>
  21. <div style="float: left; margin-right: 20px">
  22. <h3>Flash runtime</h3>
  23. <div id="flash_uploader" style="width: 500px; height: 330px;">Your browser doesn't have Flash installed.</div>
  24. <h3>Silverlight runtime</h3>
  25. <div id="silverlight_uploader" style="width: 500px; height: 330px;">Your browser doesn't have Silverlight installed.</div>
  26. </div>
  27. <div style="float: left; margin-right: 20px">
  28. <h3>HTML 4 runtime</h3>
  29. <div id="html4_uploader" style="width: 500px; height: 330px;">Your browser doesn't have HTML 4 support.</div>
  30. <h3>HTML 5 runtime</h3>
  31. <div id="html5_uploader" style="width: 500px; height: 330px;">Your browser doesn't support native upload.</div>
  32. </div>
  33. <br style="clear: both" />
  34. <input type="submit" value="Send" />
  35. </form>
  36. <script type="text/javascript">
  37. $(function() {
  38. // Setup flash version
  39. $("#flash_uploader").pluploadQueue({
  40. // General settings
  41. runtimes : 'flash',
  42. url : '../upload.php',
  43. chunk_size : '1mb',
  44. unique_names : true,
  45. filters : {
  46. max_file_size : '10mb',
  47. mime_types: [
  48. {title : "Image files", extensions : "jpg,gif,png"},
  49. {title : "Zip files", extensions : "zip"}
  50. ]
  51. },
  52. // Resize images on clientside if we can
  53. resize : {width : 320, height : 240, quality : 90},
  54. // Flash settings
  55. flash_swf_url : '../../js/Moxie.swf'
  56. });
  57. // Setup silverlight version
  58. $("#silverlight_uploader").pluploadQueue({
  59. // General settings
  60. runtimes : 'silverlight',
  61. url : '../upload.php',
  62. chunk_size : '1mb',
  63. unique_names : true,
  64. filters : {
  65. max_file_size : '10mb',
  66. mime_types: [
  67. {title : "Image files", extensions : "jpg,gif,png"},
  68. {title : "Zip files", extensions : "zip"}
  69. ]
  70. },
  71. // Resize images on clientside if we can
  72. resize : {width : 320, height : 240, quality : 90},
  73. // Silverlight settings
  74. silverlight_xap_url : '../../js/Moxie.xap'
  75. });
  76. // Setup html5 version
  77. $("#html5_uploader").pluploadQueue({
  78. // General settings
  79. runtimes : 'html5',
  80. url : '../upload.php',
  81. chunk_size : '1mb',
  82. unique_names : true,
  83. filters : {
  84. max_file_size : '10mb',
  85. mime_types: [
  86. {title : "Image files", extensions : "jpg,gif,png"},
  87. {title : "Zip files", extensions : "zip"}
  88. ]
  89. },
  90. // Resize images on clientside if we can
  91. resize : {width : 320, height : 240, quality : 90}
  92. });
  93. // Setup html4 version
  94. $("#html4_uploader").pluploadQueue({
  95. // General settings
  96. runtimes : 'html4',
  97. url : '../upload.php',
  98. unique_names : true,
  99. filters : {
  100. mime_types: [
  101. {title : "Image files", extensions : "jpg,gif,png"},
  102. {title : "Zip files", extensions : "zip"}
  103. ]
  104. },
  105. });
  106. });
  107. </script>
  108. </body>
  109. </html>