123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550 |
- # Module 'ntpath' -- common operations on WinNT/Win95 pathnames
- """Common pathname manipulations, WindowsNT/95 version.
- Instead of importing this module directly, import os and refer to this
- module as os.path.
- """
- import os
- import sys
- import stat
- import genericpath
- import warnings
- from genericpath import *
- from genericpath import _unicode
- __all__ = ["normcase","isabs","join","splitdrive","split","splitext",
- "basename","dirname","commonprefix","getsize","getmtime",
- "getatime","getctime", "islink","exists","lexists","isdir","isfile",
- "ismount","walk","expanduser","expandvars","normpath","abspath",
- "splitunc","curdir","pardir","sep","pathsep","defpath","altsep",
- "extsep","devnull","realpath","supports_unicode_filenames","relpath"]
- # strings representing various path-related bits and pieces
- curdir = '.'
- pardir = '..'
- extsep = '.'
- sep = '\\'
- pathsep = ';'
- altsep = '/'
- defpath = '.;C:\\bin'
- if 'ce' in sys.builtin_module_names:
- defpath = '\\Windows'
- elif 'os2' in sys.builtin_module_names:
- # OS/2 w/ VACPP
- altsep = '/'
- devnull = 'nul'
- # Normalize the case of a pathname and map slashes to backslashes.
- # Other normalizations (such as optimizing '../' away) are not done
- # (this is done by normpath).
- def normcase(s):
- """Normalize case of pathname.
- Makes all characters lowercase and all slashes into backslashes."""
- return s.replace("/", "\\").lower()
- # Return whether a path is absolute.
- # Trivial in Posix, harder on the Mac or MS-DOS.
- # For DOS it is absolute if it starts with a slash or backslash (current
- # volume), or if a pathname after the volume letter and colon / UNC resource
- # starts with a slash or backslash.
- def isabs(s):
- """Test whether a path is absolute"""
- s = splitdrive(s)[1]
- return s != '' and s[:1] in '/\\'
- # Join two (or more) paths.
- def join(path, *paths):
- """Join two or more pathname components, inserting "\\" as needed."""
- result_drive, result_path = splitdrive(path)
- for p in paths:
- p_drive, p_path = splitdrive(p)
- if p_path and p_path[0] in '\\/':
- # Second path is absolute
- if p_drive or not result_drive:
- result_drive = p_drive
- result_path = p_path
- continue
- elif p_drive and p_drive != result_drive:
- if p_drive.lower() != result_drive.lower():
- # Different drives => ignore the first path entirely
- result_drive = p_drive
- result_path = p_path
- continue
- # Same drive in different case
- result_drive = p_drive
- # Second path is relative to the first
- if result_path and result_path[-1] not in '\\/':
- result_path = result_path + '\\'
- result_path = result_path + p_path
- ## add separator between UNC and non-absolute path
- if (result_path and result_path[0] not in '\\/' and
- result_drive and result_drive[-1:] != ':'):
- return result_drive + sep + result_path
- return result_drive + result_path
- # Split a path in a drive specification (a drive letter followed by a
- # colon) and the path specification.
- # It is always true that drivespec + pathspec == p
- def splitdrive(p):
- """Split a pathname into drive/UNC sharepoint and relative path specifiers.
- Returns a 2-tuple (drive_or_unc, path); either part may be empty.
- If you assign
- result = splitdrive(p)
- It is always true that:
- result[0] + result[1] == p
- If the path contained a drive letter, drive_or_unc will contain everything
- up to and including the colon. e.g. splitdrive("c:/dir") returns ("c:", "/dir")
- If the path contained a UNC path, the drive_or_unc will contain the host name
- and share up to but not including the fourth directory separator character.
- e.g. splitdrive("//host/computer/dir") returns ("//host/computer", "/dir")
- Paths cannot contain both a drive letter and a UNC path.
- """
- if len(p) > 1:
- normp = p.replace(altsep, sep)
- if (normp[0:2] == sep*2) and (normp[2:3] != sep):
- # is a UNC path:
- # vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv drive letter or UNC path
- # \\machine\mountpoint\directory\etc\...
- # directory ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- index = normp.find(sep, 2)
- if index == -1:
- return '', p
- index2 = normp.find(sep, index + 1)
- # a UNC path can't have two slashes in a row
- # (after the initial two)
- if index2 == index + 1:
- return '', p
- if index2 == -1:
- index2 = len(p)
- return p[:index2], p[index2:]
- if normp[1] == ':':
- return p[:2], p[2:]
- return '', p
- # Parse UNC paths
- def splitunc(p):
- """Split a pathname into UNC mount point and relative path specifiers.
- Return a 2-tuple (unc, rest); either part may be empty.
- If unc is not empty, it has the form '//host/mount' (or similar
- using backslashes). unc+rest is always the input path.
- Paths containing drive letters never have a UNC part.
- """
- if p[1:2] == ':':
- return '', p # Drive letter present
- firstTwo = p[0:2]
- if firstTwo == '//' or firstTwo == '\\\\':
- # is a UNC path:
- # vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv equivalent to drive letter
- # \\machine\mountpoint\directories...
- # directory ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- normp = p.replace('\\', '/')
- index = normp.find('/', 2)
- if index <= 2:
- return '', p
- index2 = normp.find('/', index + 1)
- # a UNC path can't have two slashes in a row
- # (after the initial two)
- if index2 == index + 1:
- return '', p
- if index2 == -1:
- index2 = len(p)
- return p[:index2], p[index2:]
- return '', p
- # Split a path in head (everything up to the last '/') and tail (the
- # rest). After the trailing '/' is stripped, the invariant
- # join(head, tail) == p holds.
- # The resulting head won't end in '/' unless it is the root.
- def split(p):
- """Split a pathname.
- Return tuple (head, tail) where tail is everything after the final slash.
- Either part may be empty."""
- d, p = splitdrive(p)
- # set i to index beyond p's last slash
- i = len(p)
- while i and p[i-1] not in '/\\':
- i = i - 1
- head, tail = p[:i], p[i:] # now tail has no slashes
- # remove trailing slashes from head, unless it's all slashes
- head2 = head
- while head2 and head2[-1] in '/\\':
- head2 = head2[:-1]
- head = head2 or head
- return d + head, tail
- # Split a path in root and extension.
- # The extension is everything starting at the last dot in the last
- # pathname component; the root is everything before that.
- # It is always true that root + ext == p.
- def splitext(p):
- return genericpath._splitext(p, sep, altsep, extsep)
- splitext.__doc__ = genericpath._splitext.__doc__
- # Return the tail (basename) part of a path.
- def basename(p):
- """Returns the final component of a pathname"""
- return split(p)[1]
- # Return the head (dirname) part of a path.
- def dirname(p):
- """Returns the directory component of a pathname"""
- return split(p)[0]
- # Is a path a symbolic link?
- # This will always return false on systems where posix.lstat doesn't exist.
- def islink(path):
- """Test for symbolic link.
- On WindowsNT/95 and OS/2 always returns false
- """
- return False
- # alias exists to lexists
- lexists = exists
- # Is a path a mount point? Either a root (with or without drive letter)
- # or a UNC path with at most a / or \ after the mount point.
- def ismount(path):
- """Test whether a path is a mount point (defined as root of drive)"""
- unc, rest = splitunc(path)
- if unc:
- return rest in ("", "/", "\\")
- p = splitdrive(path)[1]
- return len(p) == 1 and p[0] in '/\\'
- # Directory tree walk.
- # For each directory under top (including top itself, but excluding
- # '.' and '..'), func(arg, dirname, filenames) is called, where
- # dirname is the name of the directory and filenames is the list
- # of files (and subdirectories etc.) in the directory.
- # The func may modify the filenames list, to implement a filter,
- # or to impose a different order of visiting.
- def walk(top, func, arg):
- """Directory tree walk with callback function.
- For each directory in the directory tree rooted at top (including top
- itself, but excluding '.' and '..'), call func(arg, dirname, fnames).
- dirname is the name of the directory, and fnames a list of the names of
- the files and subdirectories in dirname (excluding '.' and '..'). func
- may modify the fnames list in-place (e.g. via del or slice assignment),
- and walk will only recurse into the subdirectories whose names remain in
- fnames; this can be used to implement a filter, or to impose a specific
- order of visiting. No semantics are defined for, or required of, arg,
- beyond that arg is always passed to func. It can be used, e.g., to pass
- a filename pattern, or a mutable object designed to accumulate
- statistics. Passing None for arg is common."""
- warnings.warnpy3k("In 3.x, os.path.walk is removed in favor of os.walk.",
- stacklevel=2)
- try:
- names = os.listdir(top)
- except os.error:
- return
- func(arg, top, names)
- for name in names:
- name = join(top, name)
- if isdir(name):
- walk(name, func, arg)
- # Expand paths beginning with '~' or '~user'.
- # '~' means $HOME; '~user' means that user's home directory.
- # If the path doesn't begin with '~', or if the user or $HOME is unknown,
- # the path is returned unchanged (leaving error reporting to whatever
- # function is called with the expanded path as argument).
- # See also module 'glob' for expansion of *, ? and [...] in pathnames.
- # (A function should also be defined to do full *sh-style environment
- # variable expansion.)
- def expanduser(path):
- """Expand ~ and ~user constructs.
- If user or $HOME is unknown, do nothing."""
- if path[:1] != '~':
- return path
- i, n = 1, len(path)
- while i < n and path[i] not in '/\\':
- i = i + 1
- if 'HOME' in os.environ:
- userhome = os.environ['HOME']
- elif 'USERPROFILE' in os.environ:
- userhome = os.environ['USERPROFILE']
- elif not 'HOMEPATH' in os.environ:
- return path
- else:
- try:
- drive = os.environ['HOMEDRIVE']
- except KeyError:
- drive = ''
- userhome = join(drive, os.environ['HOMEPATH'])
- if i != 1: #~user
- userhome = join(dirname(userhome), path[1:i])
- return userhome + path[i:]
- # Expand paths containing shell variable substitutions.
- # The following rules apply:
- # - no expansion within single quotes
- # - '$$' is translated into '$'
- # - '%%' is translated into '%' if '%%' are not seen in %var1%%var2%
- # - ${varname} is accepted.
- # - $varname is accepted.
- # - %varname% is accepted.
- # - varnames can be made out of letters, digits and the characters '_-'
- # (though is not verified in the ${varname} and %varname% cases)
- # XXX With COMMAND.COM you can use any characters in a variable name,
- # XXX except '^|<>='.
- def expandvars(path):
- """Expand shell variables of the forms $var, ${var} and %var%.
- Unknown variables are left unchanged."""
- if '$' not in path and '%' not in path:
- return path
- import string
- varchars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '_-'
- if isinstance(path, _unicode):
- encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
- def getenv(var):
- return os.environ[var.encode(encoding)].decode(encoding)
- else:
- def getenv(var):
- return os.environ[var]
- res = ''
- index = 0
- pathlen = len(path)
- while index < pathlen:
- c = path[index]
- if c == '\'': # no expansion within single quotes
- path = path[index + 1:]
- pathlen = len(path)
- try:
- index = path.index('\'')
- res = res + '\'' + path[:index + 1]
- except ValueError:
- res = res + c + path
- index = pathlen - 1
- elif c == '%': # variable or '%'
- if path[index + 1:index + 2] == '%':
- res = res + c
- index = index + 1
- else:
- path = path[index+1:]
- pathlen = len(path)
- try:
- index = path.index('%')
- except ValueError:
- res = res + '%' + path
- index = pathlen - 1
- else:
- var = path[:index]
- try:
- res = res + getenv(var)
- except KeyError:
- res = res + '%' + var + '%'
- elif c == '$': # variable or '$$'
- if path[index + 1:index + 2] == '$':
- res = res + c
- index = index + 1
- elif path[index + 1:index + 2] == '{':
- path = path[index+2:]
- pathlen = len(path)
- try:
- index = path.index('}')
- var = path[:index]
- try:
- res = res + getenv(var)
- except KeyError:
- res = res + '${' + var + '}'
- except ValueError:
- res = res + '${' + path
- index = pathlen - 1
- else:
- var = ''
- index = index + 1
- c = path[index:index + 1]
- while c != '' and c in varchars:
- var = var + c
- index = index + 1
- c = path[index:index + 1]
- try:
- res = res + getenv(var)
- except KeyError:
- res = res + '$' + var
- if c != '':
- index = index - 1
- else:
- res = res + c
- index = index + 1
- return res
- # Normalize a path, e.g. A//B, A/./B and A/foo/../B all become A\B.
- # Previously, this function also truncated pathnames to 8+3 format,
- # but as this module is called "ntpath", that's obviously wrong!
- def normpath(path):
- """Normalize path, eliminating double slashes, etc."""
- # Preserve unicode (if path is unicode)
- backslash, dot = (u'\\', u'.') if isinstance(path, _unicode) else ('\\', '.')
- if path.startswith(('\\\\.\\', '\\\\?\\')):
- # in the case of paths with these prefixes:
- # \\.\ -> device names
- # \\?\ -> literal paths
- # do not do any normalization, but return the path unchanged
- return path
- path = path.replace("/", "\\")
- prefix, path = splitdrive(path)
- # We need to be careful here. If the prefix is empty, and the path starts
- # with a backslash, it could either be an absolute path on the current
- # drive (\dir1\dir2\file) or a UNC filename (\\server\mount\dir1\file). It
- # is therefore imperative NOT to collapse multiple backslashes blindly in
- # that case.
- # The code below preserves multiple backslashes when there is no drive
- # letter. This means that the invalid filename \\\a\b is preserved
- # unchanged, where a\\\b is normalised to a\b. It's not clear that there
- # is any better behaviour for such edge cases.
- if prefix == '':
- # No drive letter - preserve initial backslashes
- while path[:1] == "\\":
- prefix = prefix + backslash
- path = path[1:]
- else:
- # We have a drive letter - collapse initial backslashes
- if path.startswith("\\"):
- prefix = prefix + backslash
- path = path.lstrip("\\")
- comps = path.split("\\")
- i = 0
- while i < len(comps):
- if comps[i] in ('.', ''):
- del comps[i]
- elif comps[i] == '..':
- if i > 0 and comps[i-1] != '..':
- del comps[i-1:i+1]
- i -= 1
- elif i == 0 and prefix.endswith("\\"):
- del comps[i]
- else:
- i += 1
- else:
- i += 1
- # If the path is now empty, substitute '.'
- if not prefix and not comps:
- comps.append(dot)
- return prefix + backslash.join(comps)
- # Return an absolute path.
- try:
- from nt import _getfullpathname
- except ImportError: # not running on Windows - mock up something sensible
- def abspath(path):
- """Return the absolute version of a path."""
- if not isabs(path):
- if isinstance(path, _unicode):
- cwd = os.getcwdu()
- else:
- cwd = os.getcwd()
- path = join(cwd, path)
- return normpath(path)
- else: # use native Windows method on Windows
- def abspath(path):
- """Return the absolute version of a path."""
- if path: # Empty path must return current working directory.
- try:
- path = _getfullpathname(path)
- except WindowsError:
- pass # Bad path - return unchanged.
- elif isinstance(path, _unicode):
- path = os.getcwdu()
- else:
- path = os.getcwd()
- return normpath(path)
- # realpath is a no-op on systems without islink support
- realpath = abspath
- # Win9x family and earlier have no Unicode filename support.
- supports_unicode_filenames = (hasattr(sys, "getwindowsversion") and
- sys.getwindowsversion()[3] >= 2)
- def _abspath_split(path):
- abs = abspath(normpath(path))
- prefix, rest = splitunc(abs)
- is_unc = bool(prefix)
- if not is_unc:
- prefix, rest = splitdrive(abs)
- return is_unc, prefix, [x for x in rest.split(sep) if x]
- def relpath(path, start=curdir):
- """Return a relative version of a path"""
- if not path:
- raise ValueError("no path specified")
- start_is_unc, start_prefix, start_list = _abspath_split(start)
- path_is_unc, path_prefix, path_list = _abspath_split(path)
- if path_is_unc ^ start_is_unc:
- raise ValueError("Cannot mix UNC and non-UNC paths (%s and %s)"
- % (path, start))
- if path_prefix.lower() != start_prefix.lower():
- if path_is_unc:
- raise ValueError("path is on UNC root %s, start on UNC root %s"
- % (path_prefix, start_prefix))
- else:
- raise ValueError("path is on drive %s, start on drive %s"
- % (path_prefix, start_prefix))
- # Work out how much of the filepath is shared by start and path.
- i = 0
- for e1, e2 in zip(start_list, path_list):
- if e1.lower() != e2.lower():
- break
- i += 1
- rel_list = [pardir] * (len(start_list)-i) + path_list[i:]
- if not rel_list:
- return curdir
- return join(*rel_list)
- try:
- # The genericpath.isdir implementation uses os.stat and checks the mode
- # attribute to tell whether or not the path is a directory.
- # This is overkill on Windows - just pass the path to GetFileAttributes
- # and check the attribute from there.
- from nt import _isdir as isdir
- except ImportError:
- # Use genericpath.isdir as imported above.
- pass