123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416 |
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- from __future__ import absolute_import
- import os
- import re
- import sys
- import types
- import warnings
- from gettext import gettext as _
- import argparse
- from flask import Flask
- from ._compat import iteritems
- from .commands import Group, Option, Command, Server, Shell
- from .cli import prompt, prompt_pass, prompt_bool, prompt_choices
- __all__ = ["Command", "Shell", "Server", "Manager", "Group", "Option",
- "prompt", "prompt_pass", "prompt_bool", "prompt_choices"]
- safe_actions = (argparse._StoreAction,
- argparse._StoreConstAction,
- argparse._StoreTrueAction,
- argparse._StoreFalseAction,
- argparse._AppendAction,
- argparse._AppendConstAction,
- argparse._CountAction)
- try:
- import argcomplete
- except ImportError:
- def add_help(parser, help_args):
- if not help_args:
- return
- parser.add_argument(*help_args,
- action='help', default=argparse.SUPPRESS, help=_('show this help message and exit'))
- class Manager(object):
- """
- Controller class for handling a set of commands.
- Typical usage::
- class Print(Command):
- def run(self):
- print "hello"
- app = Flask(__name__)
- manager = Manager(app)
- manager.add_command("print", Print())
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- manager.run()
- On command line::
- python manage.py print
- > hello
- :param app: Flask instance, or callable returning a Flask instance.
- :param with_default_commands: load commands **runserver** and **shell**
- by default.
- :param disable_argcomplete: disable automatic loading of argcomplete.
- """
- help_args = ('-?','--help')
- def __init__(self, app=None, with_default_commands=None, usage=None,
- help=None, description=None, disable_argcomplete=False):
- self.app = app
- self._commands = dict()
- self._options = list()
- self.usage = usage
- self.help = help if help is not None else usage
- self.description = description if description is not None else usage
- self.disable_argcomplete = disable_argcomplete
- self.with_default_commands = with_default_commands
- self.parent = None
- def add_default_commands(self):
- """
- Adds the shell and runserver default commands. To override these,
- simply add your own equivalents using add_command or decorators.
- """
- if "shell" not in self._commands:
- self.add_command("shell", Shell())
- if "runserver" not in self._commands:
- self.add_command("runserver", Server())
- def add_option(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Adds a global option. This is useful if you want to set variables
- applying to the application setup, rather than individual commands.
- For this to work, the manager must be initialized with a factory
- function rather than a Flask instance. Otherwise any options you set
- will be ignored.
- The arguments are then passed to your function, e.g.::
- def create_my_app(config=None):
- app = Flask(__name__)
- if config:
- app.config.from_pyfile(config)
- return app
- manager = Manager(create_my_app)
- manager.add_option("-c", "--config", dest="config", required=False)
- @manager.command
- def mycommand(app):
- app.do_something()
- and are invoked like this::
- > python manage.py -c dev.cfg mycommand
- Any manager options passed on the command line will not be passed to
- the command.
- Arguments for this function are the same as for the Option class.
- """
- self._options.append(Option(*args, **kwargs))
- def __call__(self, app=None, **kwargs):
- """
- This procedure is called with the App instance (if this is a
- sub-Manager) and any options.
- If your sub-Manager does not override this, any values for options will get lost.
- """
- if app is None:
- app = self.app
- if app is None:
- raise Exception("There is no app here. This is unlikely to work.")
- if isinstance(app, Flask):
- if kwargs:
- import warnings
- warnings.warn("Options will be ignored.")
- return app
- app = app(**kwargs)
- self.app = app
- return app
- def create_app(self, *args, **kwargs):
- warnings.warn("create_app() is deprecated; use __call__().", warnings.DeprecationWarning)
- return self(*args,**kwargs)
- def create_parser(self, prog, func_stack=(), parent=None):
- """
- Creates an ArgumentParser instance from options returned
- by get_options(), and subparser for the given commands.
- """
- prog = os.path.basename(prog)
- func_stack=func_stack+(self,)
- options_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
- for option in self.get_options():
- options_parser.add_argument(*option.args, **option.kwargs)
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=prog, usage=self.usage,
- description=self.description,
- parents=[options_parser],
- add_help=False)
- add_help(parser, self.help_args)
- self._patch_argparser(parser)
- subparsers = parser.add_subparsers()
- for name, command in self._commands.items():
- usage = getattr(command, 'usage', None)
- help = getattr(command, 'help', None)
- if help is None: help = command.__doc__
- description = getattr(command, 'description', None)
- if description is None: description = command.__doc__
- command_parser = command.create_parser(name, func_stack=func_stack, parent=self)
- subparser = subparsers.add_parser(name, usage=usage, help=help,
- description=description,
- parents=[command_parser],
- add_help=False)
- if isinstance(command, Manager):
- self._patch_argparser(subparser)
- ## enable autocomplete only for parent parser when argcomplete is
- ## imported and it is NOT disabled in constructor
- if parent is None and ARGCOMPLETE_IMPORTED \
- and not self.disable_argcomplete:
- argcomplete.autocomplete(parser, always_complete_options=True)
- self.parser = parser
- return parser
- # def foo(self, app, *args, **kwargs):
- # print(args)
- def _patch_argparser(self, parser):
- """
- Patches the parser to print the full help if no arguments are supplied
- """
- def _parse_known_args(self, arg_strings, *args, **kw):
- if not arg_strings:
- self.print_help()
- self.exit(2)
- return self._parse_known_args2(arg_strings, *args, **kw)
- parser._parse_known_args2 = parser._parse_known_args
- parser._parse_known_args = types.MethodType(_parse_known_args, parser)
- def get_options(self):
- return self._options
- def add_command(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Adds command to registry.
- :param command: Command instance
- :param name: Name of the command (optional)
- :param namespace: Namespace of the command (optional; pass as kwarg)
- """
- if len(args) == 1:
- command = args[0]
- name = None
- else:
- name, command = args
- if name is None:
- if hasattr(command, 'name'):
- name = command.name
- else:
- name = type(command).__name__.lower()
- name = re.sub(r'command$', '', name)
- if isinstance(command, Manager):
- command.parent = self
- if isinstance(command, type):
- command = command()
- namespace = kwargs.get('namespace')
- if not namespace:
- namespace = getattr(command, 'namespace', None)
- if namespace:
- if namespace not in self._commands:
- self.add_command(namespace, Manager())
- self._commands[namespace]._commands[name] = command
- else:
- self._commands[name] = command
- def command(self, func):
- """
- Decorator to add a command function to the registry.
- :param func: command function.Arguments depend on the
- options.
- """
- command = Command(func)
- self.add_command(func.__name__, command)
- return func
- def option(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Decorator to add an option to a function. Automatically registers the
- function - do not use together with ``@command``. You can add as many
- ``@option`` calls as you like, for example::
- @option('-n', '--name', dest='name')
- @option('-u', '--url', dest='url')
- def hello(name, url):
- print "hello", name, url
- Takes the same arguments as the ``Option`` constructor.
- """
- option = Option(*args, **kwargs)
- def decorate(func):
- name = func.__name__
- if name not in self._commands:
- command = Command()
- command.run = func
- command.__doc__ = func.__doc__
- command.option_list = []
- self.add_command(name, command)
- self._commands[name].option_list.append(option)
- return func
- return decorate
- def shell(self, func):
- """
- Decorator that wraps function in shell command. This is equivalent to::
- def _make_context(app):
- return dict(app=app)
- manager.add_command("shell", Shell(make_context=_make_context))
- The decorated function should take a single "app" argument, and return
- a dict.
- For more sophisticated usage use the Shell class.
- """
- self.add_command('shell', Shell(make_context=func))
- return func
- def set_defaults(self):
- if self.with_default_commands is None:
- self.with_default_commands = self.parent is None
- if self.with_default_commands:
- self.add_default_commands()
- self.with_default_commands = False
- def handle(self, prog, args=None):
- self.set_defaults()
- app_parser = self.create_parser(prog)
- args = list(args or [])
- app_namespace, remaining_args = app_parser.parse_known_args(args)
- # get the handle function and remove it from parsed options
- kwargs = app_namespace.__dict__
- func_stack = kwargs.pop('func_stack', None)
- if not func_stack:
- app_parser.error('too few arguments')
- last_func = func_stack[-1]
- if remaining_args and not getattr(last_func, 'capture_all_args', False):
- app_parser.error('too many arguments')
- args = []
- for handle in func_stack:
- # get only safe config options
- config_keys = [action.dest for action in handle.parser._actions
- if handle is last_func or action.__class__ in safe_actions]
- # pass only safe app config keys
- config = dict((k, v) for k, v in iteritems(kwargs)
- if k in config_keys)
- # remove application config keys from handle kwargs
- kwargs = dict((k, v) for k, v in iteritems(kwargs)
- if k not in config_keys)
- if handle is last_func and getattr(last_func, 'capture_all_args', False):
- args.append(remaining_args)
- try:
- res = handle(*args, **config)
- except TypeError as err:
- err.args = ("{}: {}".format(handle,str(err)),)
- raise
- args = [res]
- assert not kwargs
- return res
- def run(self, commands=None, default_command=None):
- """
- Prepares manager to receive command line input. Usually run
- inside "if __name__ == "__main__" block in a Python script.
- :param commands: optional dict of commands. Appended to any commands
- added using add_command().
- :param default_command: name of default command to run if no
- arguments passed.
- """
- if commands:
- self._commands.update(commands)
- if default_command is not None and len(sys.argv) == 1:
- sys.argv.append(default_command)
- try:
- result = self.handle(sys.argv[0], sys.argv[1:])
- except SystemExit as e:
- result = e.code
- sys.exit(result or 0)