123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420 |
- # postgresql/hstore.py
- # Copyright (C) 2005-2017 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors
- # <see AUTHORS file>
- #
- # This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under
- # the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
- import re
- from .base import ischema_names
- from .array import ARRAY
- from ... import types as sqltypes
- from ...sql import functions as sqlfunc
- from ...sql import operators
- from ... import util
- __all__ = ('HSTORE', 'hstore')
- idx_precedence = operators._PRECEDENCE[operators.json_getitem_op]
- GETITEM = operators.custom_op(
- "->", precedence=idx_precedence, natural_self_precedent=True,
- eager_grouping=True
- )
- HAS_KEY = operators.custom_op(
- "?", precedence=idx_precedence, natural_self_precedent=True,
- eager_grouping=True
- )
- HAS_ALL = operators.custom_op(
- "?&", precedence=idx_precedence, natural_self_precedent=True,
- eager_grouping=True
- )
- HAS_ANY = operators.custom_op(
- "?|", precedence=idx_precedence, natural_self_precedent=True,
- eager_grouping=True
- )
- CONTAINS = operators.custom_op(
- "@>", precedence=idx_precedence, natural_self_precedent=True,
- eager_grouping=True
- )
- CONTAINED_BY = operators.custom_op(
- "<@", precedence=idx_precedence, natural_self_precedent=True,
- eager_grouping=True
- )
- class HSTORE(sqltypes.Indexable, sqltypes.Concatenable, sqltypes.TypeEngine):
- """Represent the PostgreSQL HSTORE type.
- The :class:`.HSTORE` type stores dictionaries containing strings, e.g.::
- data_table = Table('data_table', metadata,
- Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
- Column('data', HSTORE)
- )
- with engine.connect() as conn:
- conn.execute(
- data_table.insert(),
- data = {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}
- )
- :class:`.HSTORE` provides for a wide range of operations, including:
- * Index operations::
- data_table.c.data['some key'] == 'some value'
- * Containment operations::
- data_table.c.data.has_key('some key')
- data_table.c.data.has_all(['one', 'two', 'three'])
- * Concatenation::
- data_table.c.data + {"k1": "v1"}
- For a full list of special methods see
- :class:`.HSTORE.comparator_factory`.
- For usage with the SQLAlchemy ORM, it may be desirable to combine
- the usage of :class:`.HSTORE` with :class:`.MutableDict` dictionary
- now part of the :mod:`sqlalchemy.ext.mutable`
- extension. This extension will allow "in-place" changes to the
- dictionary, e.g. addition of new keys or replacement/removal of existing
- keys to/from the current dictionary, to produce events which will be
- detected by the unit of work::
- from sqlalchemy.ext.mutable import MutableDict
- class MyClass(Base):
- __tablename__ = 'data_table'
- id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
- data = Column(MutableDict.as_mutable(HSTORE))
- my_object = session.query(MyClass).one()
- # in-place mutation, requires Mutable extension
- # in order for the ORM to detect
- my_object.data['some_key'] = 'some value'
- session.commit()
- When the :mod:`sqlalchemy.ext.mutable` extension is not used, the ORM
- will not be alerted to any changes to the contents of an existing
- dictionary, unless that dictionary value is re-assigned to the
- HSTORE-attribute itself, thus generating a change event.
- .. versionadded:: 0.8
- .. seealso::
- :class:`.hstore` - render the PostgreSQL ``hstore()`` function.
- """
- __visit_name__ = 'HSTORE'
- hashable = False
- text_type = sqltypes.Text()
- def __init__(self, text_type=None):
- """Construct a new :class:`.HSTORE`.
- :param text_type: the type that should be used for indexed values.
- Defaults to :class:`.types.Text`.
- .. versionadded:: 1.1.0
- """
- if text_type is not None:
- self.text_type = text_type
- class Comparator(
- sqltypes.Indexable.Comparator, sqltypes.Concatenable.Comparator):
- """Define comparison operations for :class:`.HSTORE`."""
- def has_key(self, other):
- """Boolean expression. Test for presence of a key. Note that the
- key may be a SQLA expression.
- """
- return self.operate(HAS_KEY, other, result_type=sqltypes.Boolean)
- def has_all(self, other):
- """Boolean expression. Test for presence of all keys in jsonb
- """
- return self.operate(HAS_ALL, other, result_type=sqltypes.Boolean)
- def has_any(self, other):
- """Boolean expression. Test for presence of any key in jsonb
- """
- return self.operate(HAS_ANY, other, result_type=sqltypes.Boolean)
- def contains(self, other, **kwargs):
- """Boolean expression. Test if keys (or array) are a superset
- of/contained the keys of the argument jsonb expression.
- """
- return self.operate(CONTAINS, other, result_type=sqltypes.Boolean)
- def contained_by(self, other):
- """Boolean expression. Test if keys are a proper subset of the
- keys of the argument jsonb expression.
- """
- return self.operate(
- CONTAINED_BY, other, result_type=sqltypes.Boolean)
- def _setup_getitem(self, index):
- return GETITEM, index, self.type.text_type
- def defined(self, key):
- """Boolean expression. Test for presence of a non-NULL value for
- the key. Note that the key may be a SQLA expression.
- """
- return _HStoreDefinedFunction(self.expr, key)
- def delete(self, key):
- """HStore expression. Returns the contents of this hstore with the
- given key deleted. Note that the key may be a SQLA expression.
- """
- if isinstance(key, dict):
- key = _serialize_hstore(key)
- return _HStoreDeleteFunction(self.expr, key)
- def slice(self, array):
- """HStore expression. Returns a subset of an hstore defined by
- array of keys.
- """
- return _HStoreSliceFunction(self.expr, array)
- def keys(self):
- """Text array expression. Returns array of keys."""
- return _HStoreKeysFunction(self.expr)
- def vals(self):
- """Text array expression. Returns array of values."""
- return _HStoreValsFunction(self.expr)
- def array(self):
- """Text array expression. Returns array of alternating keys and
- values.
- """
- return _HStoreArrayFunction(self.expr)
- def matrix(self):
- """Text array expression. Returns array of [key, value] pairs."""
- return _HStoreMatrixFunction(self.expr)
- comparator_factory = Comparator
- def bind_processor(self, dialect):
- if util.py2k:
- encoding = dialect.encoding
- def process(value):
- if isinstance(value, dict):
- return _serialize_hstore(value).encode(encoding)
- else:
- return value
- else:
- def process(value):
- if isinstance(value, dict):
- return _serialize_hstore(value)
- else:
- return value
- return process
- def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype):
- if util.py2k:
- encoding = dialect.encoding
- def process(value):
- if value is not None:
- return _parse_hstore(value.decode(encoding))
- else:
- return value
- else:
- def process(value):
- if value is not None:
- return _parse_hstore(value)
- else:
- return value
- return process
- ischema_names['hstore'] = HSTORE
- class hstore(sqlfunc.GenericFunction):
- """Construct an hstore value within a SQL expression using the
- PostgreSQL ``hstore()`` function.
- The :class:`.hstore` function accepts one or two arguments as described
- in the PostgreSQL documentation.
- E.g.::
- from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import array, hstore
- select([hstore('key1', 'value1')])
- select([
- hstore(
- array(['key1', 'key2', 'key3']),
- array(['value1', 'value2', 'value3'])
- )
- ])
- .. versionadded:: 0.8
- .. seealso::
- :class:`.HSTORE` - the PostgreSQL ``HSTORE`` datatype.
- """
- type = HSTORE
- name = 'hstore'
- class _HStoreDefinedFunction(sqlfunc.GenericFunction):
- type = sqltypes.Boolean
- name = 'defined'
- class _HStoreDeleteFunction(sqlfunc.GenericFunction):
- type = HSTORE
- name = 'delete'
- class _HStoreSliceFunction(sqlfunc.GenericFunction):
- type = HSTORE
- name = 'slice'
- class _HStoreKeysFunction(sqlfunc.GenericFunction):
- type = ARRAY(sqltypes.Text)
- name = 'akeys'
- class _HStoreValsFunction(sqlfunc.GenericFunction):
- type = ARRAY(sqltypes.Text)
- name = 'avals'
- class _HStoreArrayFunction(sqlfunc.GenericFunction):
- type = ARRAY(sqltypes.Text)
- name = 'hstore_to_array'
- class _HStoreMatrixFunction(sqlfunc.GenericFunction):
- type = ARRAY(sqltypes.Text)
- name = 'hstore_to_matrix'
- #
- # parsing. note that none of this is used with the psycopg2 backend,
- # which provides its own native extensions.
- #
- # My best guess at the parsing rules of hstore literals, since no formal
- # grammar is given. This is mostly reverse engineered from PG's input parser
- # behavior.
- HSTORE_PAIR_RE = re.compile(r"""
- (
- "(?P<key> (\\ . | [^"])* )" # Quoted key
- )
- [ ]* => [ ]* # Pair operator, optional adjoining whitespace
- (
- (?P<value_null> NULL ) # NULL value
- | "(?P<value> (\\ . | [^"])* )" # Quoted value
- )
- """, re.VERBOSE)
- HSTORE_DELIMITER_RE = re.compile(r"""
- [ ]* , [ ]*
- """, re.VERBOSE)
- def _parse_error(hstore_str, pos):
- """format an unmarshalling error."""
- ctx = 20
- hslen = len(hstore_str)
- parsed_tail = hstore_str[max(pos - ctx - 1, 0):min(pos, hslen)]
- residual = hstore_str[min(pos, hslen):min(pos + ctx + 1, hslen)]
- if len(parsed_tail) > ctx:
- parsed_tail = '[...]' + parsed_tail[1:]
- if len(residual) > ctx:
- residual = residual[:-1] + '[...]'
- return "After %r, could not parse residual at position %d: %r" % (
- parsed_tail, pos, residual)
- def _parse_hstore(hstore_str):
- """Parse an hstore from its literal string representation.
- Attempts to approximate PG's hstore input parsing rules as closely as
- possible. Although currently this is not strictly necessary, since the
- current implementation of hstore's output syntax is stricter than what it
- accepts as input, the documentation makes no guarantees that will always
- be the case.
- """
- result = {}
- pos = 0
- pair_match = HSTORE_PAIR_RE.match(hstore_str)
- while pair_match is not None:
- key = pair_match.group('key').replace(r'\"', '"').replace(
- "\\\\", "\\")
- if pair_match.group('value_null'):
- value = None
- else:
- value = pair_match.group('value').replace(
- r'\"', '"').replace("\\\\", "\\")
- result[key] = value
- pos += pair_match.end()
- delim_match = HSTORE_DELIMITER_RE.match(hstore_str[pos:])
- if delim_match is not None:
- pos += delim_match.end()
- pair_match = HSTORE_PAIR_RE.match(hstore_str[pos:])
- if pos != len(hstore_str):
- raise ValueError(_parse_error(hstore_str, pos))
- return result
- def _serialize_hstore(val):
- """Serialize a dictionary into an hstore literal. Keys and values must
- both be strings (except None for values).
- """
- def esc(s, position):
- if position == 'value' and s is None:
- return 'NULL'
- elif isinstance(s, util.string_types):
- return '"%s"' % s.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace('"', r'\"')
- else:
- raise ValueError("%r in %s position is not a string." %
- (s, position))
- return ', '.join('%s=>%s' % (esc(k, 'key'), esc(v, 'value'))
- for k, v in val.items())