123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283 |
- # engine/strategies.py
- # Copyright (C) 2005-2017 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors
- # <see AUTHORS file>
- #
- # This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under
- # the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
- """Strategies for creating new instances of Engine types.
- These are semi-private implementation classes which provide the
- underlying behavior for the "strategy" keyword argument available on
- :func:`~sqlalchemy.engine.create_engine`. Current available options are
- ``plain``, ``threadlocal``, and ``mock``.
- New strategies can be added via new ``EngineStrategy`` classes.
- """
- from operator import attrgetter
- from sqlalchemy.engine import base, threadlocal, url
- from sqlalchemy import util, event
- from sqlalchemy import pool as poollib
- from sqlalchemy.sql import schema
- strategies = {}
- class EngineStrategy(object):
- """An adaptor that processes input arguments and produces an Engine.
- Provides a ``create`` method that receives input arguments and
- produces an instance of base.Engine or a subclass.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- strategies[self.name] = self
- def create(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """Given arguments, returns a new Engine instance."""
- raise NotImplementedError()
- class DefaultEngineStrategy(EngineStrategy):
- """Base class for built-in strategies."""
- def create(self, name_or_url, **kwargs):
- # create url.URL object
- u = url.make_url(name_or_url)
- plugins = u._instantiate_plugins(kwargs)
- u.query.pop('plugin', None)
- entrypoint = u._get_entrypoint()
- dialect_cls = entrypoint.get_dialect_cls(u)
- if kwargs.pop('_coerce_config', False):
- def pop_kwarg(key, default=None):
- value = kwargs.pop(key, default)
- if key in dialect_cls.engine_config_types:
- value = dialect_cls.engine_config_types[key](value)
- return value
- else:
- pop_kwarg = kwargs.pop
- dialect_args = {}
- # consume dialect arguments from kwargs
- for k in util.get_cls_kwargs(dialect_cls):
- if k in kwargs:
- dialect_args[k] = pop_kwarg(k)
- dbapi = kwargs.pop('module', None)
- if dbapi is None:
- dbapi_args = {}
- for k in util.get_func_kwargs(dialect_cls.dbapi):
- if k in kwargs:
- dbapi_args[k] = pop_kwarg(k)
- dbapi = dialect_cls.dbapi(**dbapi_args)
- dialect_args['dbapi'] = dbapi
- for plugin in plugins:
- plugin.handle_dialect_kwargs(dialect_cls, dialect_args)
- # create dialect
- dialect = dialect_cls(**dialect_args)
- # assemble connection arguments
- (cargs, cparams) = dialect.create_connect_args(u)
- cparams.update(pop_kwarg('connect_args', {}))
- cargs = list(cargs) # allow mutability
- # look for existing pool or create
- pool = pop_kwarg('pool', None)
- if pool is None:
- def connect(connection_record=None):
- if dialect._has_events:
- for fn in dialect.dispatch.do_connect:
- connection = fn(
- dialect, connection_record, cargs, cparams)
- if connection is not None:
- return connection
- return dialect.connect(*cargs, **cparams)
- creator = pop_kwarg('creator', connect)
- poolclass = pop_kwarg('poolclass', None)
- if poolclass is None:
- poolclass = dialect_cls.get_pool_class(u)
- pool_args = {
- 'dialect': dialect
- }
- # consume pool arguments from kwargs, translating a few of
- # the arguments
- translate = {'logging_name': 'pool_logging_name',
- 'echo': 'echo_pool',
- 'timeout': 'pool_timeout',
- 'recycle': 'pool_recycle',
- 'events': 'pool_events',
- 'use_threadlocal': 'pool_threadlocal',
- 'reset_on_return': 'pool_reset_on_return'}
- for k in util.get_cls_kwargs(poolclass):
- tk = translate.get(k, k)
- if tk in kwargs:
- pool_args[k] = pop_kwarg(tk)
- for plugin in plugins:
- plugin.handle_pool_kwargs(poolclass, pool_args)
- pool = poolclass(creator, **pool_args)
- else:
- if isinstance(pool, poollib._DBProxy):
- pool = pool.get_pool(*cargs, **cparams)
- else:
- pool = pool
- pool._dialect = dialect
- # create engine.
- engineclass = self.engine_cls
- engine_args = {}
- for k in util.get_cls_kwargs(engineclass):
- if k in kwargs:
- engine_args[k] = pop_kwarg(k)
- _initialize = kwargs.pop('_initialize', True)
- # all kwargs should be consumed
- if kwargs:
- raise TypeError(
- "Invalid argument(s) %s sent to create_engine(), "
- "using configuration %s/%s/%s. Please check that the "
- "keyword arguments are appropriate for this combination "
- "of components." % (','.join("'%s'" % k for k in kwargs),
- dialect.__class__.__name__,
- pool.__class__.__name__,
- engineclass.__name__))
- engine = engineclass(pool, dialect, u, **engine_args)
- if _initialize:
- do_on_connect = dialect.on_connect()
- if do_on_connect:
- def on_connect(dbapi_connection, connection_record):
- conn = getattr(
- dbapi_connection, '_sqla_unwrap', dbapi_connection)
- if conn is None:
- return
- do_on_connect(conn)
- event.listen(pool, 'first_connect', on_connect)
- event.listen(pool, 'connect', on_connect)
- def first_connect(dbapi_connection, connection_record):
- c = base.Connection(engine, connection=dbapi_connection,
- _has_events=False)
- c._execution_options = util.immutabledict()
- dialect.initialize(c)
- event.listen(pool, 'first_connect', first_connect, once=True)
- dialect_cls.engine_created(engine)
- if entrypoint is not dialect_cls:
- entrypoint.engine_created(engine)
- for plugin in plugins:
- plugin.engine_created(engine)
- return engine
- class PlainEngineStrategy(DefaultEngineStrategy):
- """Strategy for configuring a regular Engine."""
- name = 'plain'
- engine_cls = base.Engine
- PlainEngineStrategy()
- class ThreadLocalEngineStrategy(DefaultEngineStrategy):
- """Strategy for configuring an Engine with threadlocal behavior."""
- name = 'threadlocal'
- engine_cls = threadlocal.TLEngine
- ThreadLocalEngineStrategy()
- class MockEngineStrategy(EngineStrategy):
- """Strategy for configuring an Engine-like object with mocked execution.
- Produces a single mock Connectable object which dispatches
- statement execution to a passed-in function.
- """
- name = 'mock'
- def create(self, name_or_url, executor, **kwargs):
- # create url.URL object
- u = url.make_url(name_or_url)
- dialect_cls = u.get_dialect()
- dialect_args = {}
- # consume dialect arguments from kwargs
- for k in util.get_cls_kwargs(dialect_cls):
- if k in kwargs:
- dialect_args[k] = kwargs.pop(k)
- # create dialect
- dialect = dialect_cls(**dialect_args)
- return MockEngineStrategy.MockConnection(dialect, executor)
- class MockConnection(base.Connectable):
- def __init__(self, dialect, execute):
- self._dialect = dialect
- self.execute = execute
- engine = property(lambda s: s)
- dialect = property(attrgetter('_dialect'))
- name = property(lambda s: s._dialect.name)
- schema_for_object = schema._schema_getter(None)
- def contextual_connect(self, **kwargs):
- return self
- def execution_options(self, **kw):
- return self
- def compiler(self, statement, parameters, **kwargs):
- return self._dialect.compiler(
- statement, parameters, engine=self, **kwargs)
- def create(self, entity, **kwargs):
- kwargs['checkfirst'] = False
- from sqlalchemy.engine import ddl
- ddl.SchemaGenerator(
- self.dialect, self, **kwargs).traverse_single(entity)
- def drop(self, entity, **kwargs):
- kwargs['checkfirst'] = False
- from sqlalchemy.engine import ddl
- ddl.SchemaDropper(
- self.dialect, self, **kwargs).traverse_single(entity)
- def _run_visitor(self, visitorcallable, element,
- connection=None,
- **kwargs):
- kwargs['checkfirst'] = False
- visitorcallable(self.dialect, self,
- **kwargs).traverse_single(element)
- def execute(self, object, *multiparams, **params):
- raise NotImplementedError()
- MockEngineStrategy()