123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318 |
- from sqlalchemy.engine import url as sa_url
- from sqlalchemy import text
- from sqlalchemy import exc
- from sqlalchemy.util import compat
- from . import config, engines
- import os
- import time
- import logging
- log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- class register(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.fns = {}
- @classmethod
- def init(cls, fn):
- return register().for_db("*")(fn)
- def for_db(self, dbname):
- def decorate(fn):
- self.fns[dbname] = fn
- return self
- return decorate
- def __call__(self, cfg, *arg):
- if isinstance(cfg, compat.string_types):
- url = sa_url.make_url(cfg)
- elif isinstance(cfg, sa_url.URL):
- url = cfg
- else:
- url = cfg.db.url
- backend = url.get_backend_name()
- if backend in self.fns:
- return self.fns[backend](cfg, *arg)
- else:
- return self.fns['*'](cfg, *arg)
- def create_follower_db(follower_ident):
- for cfg in _configs_for_db_operation():
- _create_db(cfg, cfg.db, follower_ident)
- def configure_follower(follower_ident):
- for cfg in config.Config.all_configs():
- _configure_follower(cfg, follower_ident)
- def setup_config(db_url, options, file_config, follower_ident):
- if follower_ident:
- db_url = _follower_url_from_main(db_url, follower_ident)
- db_opts = {}
- _update_db_opts(db_url, db_opts)
- eng = engines.testing_engine(db_url, db_opts)
- _post_configure_engine(db_url, eng, follower_ident)
- eng.connect().close()
- cfg = config.Config.register(eng, db_opts, options, file_config)
- if follower_ident:
- _configure_follower(cfg, follower_ident)
- return cfg
- def drop_follower_db(follower_ident):
- for cfg in _configs_for_db_operation():
- _drop_db(cfg, cfg.db, follower_ident)
- def _configs_for_db_operation():
- hosts = set()
- for cfg in config.Config.all_configs():
- cfg.db.dispose()
- for cfg in config.Config.all_configs():
- url = cfg.db.url
- backend = url.get_backend_name()
- host_conf = (
- backend,
- url.username, url.host, url.database)
- if host_conf not in hosts:
- yield cfg
- hosts.add(host_conf)
- for cfg in config.Config.all_configs():
- cfg.db.dispose()
- @register.init
- def _create_db(cfg, eng, ident):
- raise NotImplementedError("no DB creation routine for cfg: %s" % eng.url)
- @register.init
- def _drop_db(cfg, eng, ident):
- raise NotImplementedError("no DB drop routine for cfg: %s" % eng.url)
- @register.init
- def _update_db_opts(db_url, db_opts):
- pass
- @register.init
- def _configure_follower(cfg, ident):
- pass
- @register.init
- def _post_configure_engine(url, engine, follower_ident):
- pass
- @register.init
- def _follower_url_from_main(url, ident):
- url = sa_url.make_url(url)
- url.database = ident
- return url
- @_update_db_opts.for_db("mssql")
- def _mssql_update_db_opts(db_url, db_opts):
- db_opts['legacy_schema_aliasing'] = False
- @_follower_url_from_main.for_db("sqlite")
- def _sqlite_follower_url_from_main(url, ident):
- url = sa_url.make_url(url)
- if not url.database or url.database == ':memory:':
- return url
- else:
- return sa_url.make_url("sqlite:///%s.db" % ident)
- @_post_configure_engine.for_db("sqlite")
- def _sqlite_post_configure_engine(url, engine, follower_ident):
- from sqlalchemy import event
- @event.listens_for(engine, "connect")
- def connect(dbapi_connection, connection_record):
- # use file DBs in all cases, memory acts kind of strangely
- # as an attached
- if not follower_ident:
- dbapi_connection.execute(
- 'ATTACH DATABASE "test_schema.db" AS test_schema')
- else:
- dbapi_connection.execute(
- 'ATTACH DATABASE "%s_test_schema.db" AS test_schema'
- % follower_ident)
- @_create_db.for_db("postgresql")
- def _pg_create_db(cfg, eng, ident):
- with eng.connect().execution_options(
- isolation_level="AUTOCOMMIT") as conn:
- try:
- _pg_drop_db(cfg, conn, ident)
- except Exception:
- pass
- currentdb = conn.scalar("select current_database()")
- for attempt in range(3):
- try:
- conn.execute(
- "CREATE DATABASE %s TEMPLATE %s" % (ident, currentdb))
- except exc.OperationalError as err:
- if attempt != 2 and "accessed by other users" in str(err):
- time.sleep(.2)
- continue
- else:
- raise
- else:
- break
- @_create_db.for_db("mysql")
- def _mysql_create_db(cfg, eng, ident):
- with eng.connect() as conn:
- try:
- _mysql_drop_db(cfg, conn, ident)
- except Exception:
- pass
- conn.execute("CREATE DATABASE %s" % ident)
- conn.execute("CREATE DATABASE %s_test_schema" % ident)
- conn.execute("CREATE DATABASE %s_test_schema_2" % ident)
- @_configure_follower.for_db("mysql")
- def _mysql_configure_follower(config, ident):
- config.test_schema = "%s_test_schema" % ident
- config.test_schema_2 = "%s_test_schema_2" % ident
- @_create_db.for_db("sqlite")
- def _sqlite_create_db(cfg, eng, ident):
- pass
- @_drop_db.for_db("postgresql")
- def _pg_drop_db(cfg, eng, ident):
- with eng.connect().execution_options(
- isolation_level="AUTOCOMMIT") as conn:
- conn.execute(
- text(
- "select pg_terminate_backend(pid) from pg_stat_activity "
- "where usename=current_user and pid != pg_backend_pid() "
- "and datname=:dname"
- ), dname=ident)
- conn.execute("DROP DATABASE %s" % ident)
- @_drop_db.for_db("sqlite")
- def _sqlite_drop_db(cfg, eng, ident):
- if ident:
- os.remove("%s_test_schema.db" % ident)
- else:
- os.remove("%s.db" % ident)
- @_drop_db.for_db("mysql")
- def _mysql_drop_db(cfg, eng, ident):
- with eng.connect() as conn:
- conn.execute("DROP DATABASE %s_test_schema" % ident)
- conn.execute("DROP DATABASE %s_test_schema_2" % ident)
- conn.execute("DROP DATABASE %s" % ident)
- @_create_db.for_db("oracle")
- def _oracle_create_db(cfg, eng, ident):
- # NOTE: make sure you've run "ALTER DATABASE default tablespace users" or
- # similar, so that the default tablespace is not "system"; reflection will
- # fail otherwise
- with eng.connect() as conn:
- conn.execute("create user %s identified by xe" % ident)
- conn.execute("create user %s_ts1 identified by xe" % ident)
- conn.execute("create user %s_ts2 identified by xe" % ident)
- conn.execute("grant dba to %s" % (ident, ))
- conn.execute("grant unlimited tablespace to %s" % ident)
- conn.execute("grant unlimited tablespace to %s_ts1" % ident)
- conn.execute("grant unlimited tablespace to %s_ts2" % ident)
- @_configure_follower.for_db("oracle")
- def _oracle_configure_follower(config, ident):
- config.test_schema = "%s_ts1" % ident
- config.test_schema_2 = "%s_ts2" % ident
- def _ora_drop_ignore(conn, dbname):
- try:
- conn.execute("drop user %s cascade" % dbname)
- log.info("Reaped db: %s", dbname)
- return True
- except exc.DatabaseError as err:
- log.warning("couldn't drop db: %s", err)
- return False
- @_drop_db.for_db("oracle")
- def _oracle_drop_db(cfg, eng, ident):
- with eng.connect() as conn:
- # cx_Oracle seems to occasionally leak open connections when a large
- # suite it run, even if we confirm we have zero references to
- # connection objects.
- # while there is a "kill session" command in Oracle,
- # it unfortunately does not release the connection sufficiently.
- _ora_drop_ignore(conn, ident)
- _ora_drop_ignore(conn, "%s_ts1" % ident)
- _ora_drop_ignore(conn, "%s_ts2" % ident)
- @_update_db_opts.for_db("oracle")
- def _oracle_update_db_opts(db_url, db_opts):
- db_opts['_retry_on_12516'] = True
- def reap_oracle_dbs(eng, idents_file):
- log.info("Reaping Oracle dbs...")
- with eng.connect() as conn:
- with open(idents_file) as file_:
- idents = set(line.strip() for line in file_)
- log.info("identifiers in file: %s", ", ".join(idents))
- to_reap = conn.execute(
- "select u.username from all_users u where username "
- "like 'TEST_%' and not exists (select username "
- "from v$session where username=u.username)")
- all_names = set([username.lower() for (username, ) in to_reap])
- to_drop = set()
- for name in all_names:
- if name.endswith("_ts1") or name.endswith("_ts2"):
- continue
- elif name in idents:
- to_drop.add(name)
- if "%s_ts1" % name in all_names:
- to_drop.add("%s_ts1" % name)
- if "%s_ts2" % name in all_names:
- to_drop.add("%s_ts2" % name)
- dropped = total = 0
- for total, username in enumerate(to_drop, 1):
- if _ora_drop_ignore(conn, username):
- dropped += 1
- log.info(
- "Dropped %d out of %d stale databases detected", dropped, total)
- @_follower_url_from_main.for_db("oracle")
- def _oracle_follower_url_from_main(url, ident):
- url = sa_url.make_url(url)
- url.username = ident
- url.password = 'xe'
- return url