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- # util/__init__.py
- # Copyright (C) 2005-2017 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors
- # <see AUTHORS file>
- #
- # This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under
- # the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
- from .compat import callable, cmp, reduce, \
- threading, py3k, py33, py36, py2k, jython, pypy, cpython, win32, \
- pickle, dottedgetter, parse_qsl, namedtuple, next, reraise, \
- raise_from_cause, text_type, safe_kwarg, string_types, int_types, \
- binary_type, nested, \
- quote_plus, with_metaclass, print_, itertools_filterfalse, u, ue, b,\
- unquote_plus, unquote, b64decode, b64encode, byte_buffer, itertools_filter,\
- iterbytes, StringIO, inspect_getargspec, zip_longest
- from ._collections import KeyedTuple, ImmutableContainer, immutabledict, \
- Properties, OrderedProperties, ImmutableProperties, OrderedDict, \
- OrderedSet, IdentitySet, OrderedIdentitySet, column_set, \
- column_dict, ordered_column_set, populate_column_dict, unique_list, \
- UniqueAppender, PopulateDict, EMPTY_SET, to_list, to_set, \
- to_column_set, update_copy, flatten_iterator, has_intersection, \
- LRUCache, ScopedRegistry, ThreadLocalRegistry, WeakSequence, \
- coerce_generator_arg, lightweight_named_tuple
- from .langhelpers import iterate_attributes, class_hierarchy, \
- portable_instancemethod, unbound_method_to_callable, \
- getargspec_init, format_argspec_init, format_argspec_plus, \
- get_func_kwargs, get_cls_kwargs, decorator, as_interface, \
- memoized_property, memoized_instancemethod, md5_hex, \
- group_expirable_memoized_property, dependencies, decode_slice, \
- monkeypatch_proxied_specials, asbool, bool_or_str, coerce_kw_type,\
- duck_type_collection, assert_arg_type, symbol, dictlike_iteritems,\
- classproperty, set_creation_order, warn_exception, warn, NoneType,\
- constructor_copy, methods_equivalent, chop_traceback, asint,\
- generic_repr, counter, PluginLoader, hybridproperty, hybridmethod, \
- safe_reraise,\
- get_callable_argspec, only_once, attrsetter, ellipses_string, \
- warn_limited, map_bits, MemoizedSlots, EnsureKWArgType, wrap_callable
- from .deprecations import warn_deprecated, warn_pending_deprecation, \
- deprecated, pending_deprecation, inject_docstring_text
- # things that used to be not always available,
- # but are now as of current support Python versions
- from collections import defaultdict
- from functools import partial
- from functools import update_wrapper
- from contextlib import contextmanager