1. Metadata-Version: 2.0
  2. Name: wheel
  3. Version: 0.29.0
  4. Summary: A built-package format for Python.
  5. Home-page:
  6. Author: Daniel Holth
  7. Author-email:
  8. License: MIT
  9. Keywords: wheel,packaging
  10. Platform: UNKNOWN
  11. Classifier: Development Status :: 4 - Beta
  12. Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
  13. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
  14. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2
  15. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6
  16. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
  17. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
  18. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.2
  19. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3
  20. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4
  21. Requires-Dist: argparse; python_version=="2.6"
  22. Provides-Extra: faster-signatures
  23. Requires-Dist: ed25519ll; extra == 'faster-signatures'
  24. Provides-Extra: signatures
  25. Requires-Dist: keyring; extra == 'signatures'
  26. Requires-Dist: keyrings.alt; extra == 'signatures'
  27. Provides-Extra: signatures
  28. Requires-Dist: importlib; python_version=="2.6" and extra == 'signatures'
  29. Provides-Extra: signatures
  30. Requires-Dist: pyxdg; sys_platform!="win32" and extra == 'signatures'
  31. Provides-Extra: tool
  32. Wheel
  33. =====
  34. A built-package format for Python.
  35. A wheel is a ZIP-format archive with a specially formatted filename
  36. and the .whl extension. It is designed to contain all the files for a
  37. PEP 376 compatible install in a way that is very close to the on-disk
  38. format. Many packages will be properly installed with only the "Unpack"
  39. step (simply extracting the file onto sys.path), and the unpacked archive
  40. preserves enough information to "Spread" (copy data and scripts to their
  41. final locations) at any later time.
  42. The wheel project provides a `bdist_wheel` command for setuptools
  43. (requires setuptools >= 0.8.0). Wheel files can be installed with a
  44. newer `pip` from or with wheel's own command
  45. line utility.
  46. The wheel documentation is at The file format
  47. is documented in PEP 427 (
  48. The reference implementation is at
  49. Why not egg?
  50. ------------
  51. Python's egg format predates the packaging related standards we have
  52. today, the most important being PEP 376 "Database of Installed Python
  53. Distributions" which specifies the .dist-info directory (instead of
  54. .egg-info) and PEP 426 "Metadata for Python Software Packages 2.0"
  55. which specifies how to express dependencies (instead of requires.txt
  56. in .egg-info).
  57. Wheel implements these things. It also provides a richer file naming
  58. convention that communicates the Python implementation and ABI as well
  59. as simply the language version used in a particular package.
  60. Unlike .egg, wheel will be a fully-documented standard at the binary
  61. level that is truly easy to install even if you do not want to use the
  62. reference implementation.
  63. Code of Conduct
  64. ---------------
  65. Everyone interacting in the wheel project's codebases, issue trackers, chat
  66. rooms, and mailing lists is expected to follow the `PyPA Code of Conduct`_.
  67. .. _PyPA Code of Conduct:
  68. 0.29.0
  69. ======
  70. - Fix compression type of files in archive (Issue #155, Pull Request #62,
  71. thanks Xavier Fernandez)
  72. 0.28.0
  73. ======
  74. - Fix file modes in archive (Issue #154)
  75. 0.27.0
  76. ======
  77. - Support forcing a platform tag using `--plat-name` on pure-Python wheels, as
  78. well as nonstandard platform tags on non-pure wheels (Pull Request #60, Issue
  79. #144, thanks Andrés Díaz)
  80. - Add SOABI tags to platform-specific wheels built for Python 2.X (Pull Request
  81. #55, Issue #63, Issue #101)
  82. - Support reproducible wheel files, wheels that can be rebuilt and will hash to
  83. the same values as previous builds (Pull Request #52, Issue #143, thanks
  84. Barry Warsaw)
  85. - Support for changes in keyring >= 8.0 (Pull Request #61, thanks Jason R.
  86. Coombs)
  87. - Use the file context manager when checking if dependency_links.txt is empty,
  88. fixes problems building wheels under PyPy on Windows (Issue #150, thanks
  89. Cosimo Lupo)
  90. - Don't attempt to (recursively) create a build directory ending with `..`
  91. (invalid on all platforms, but code was only executed on Windows) (Issue #91)
  92. - Added the PyPA Code of Conduct (Pull Request #56)
  93. 0.26.0
  94. ======
  95. - Fix multiple entrypoint comparison failure on Python 3 (Issue #148)
  96. 0.25.0
  97. ======
  98. - Add Python 3.5 to tox configuration
  99. - Deterministic (sorted) metadata
  100. - Fix tagging for Python 3.5 compatibility
  101. - Support py2-none-'arch' and py3-none-'arch' tags
  102. - Treat data-only wheels as pure
  103. - Write to temporary file and rename when using wheel install --force
  104. 0.24.0
  105. ======
  106. - The python tag used for pure-python packages is now .pyN (major version
  107. only). This change actually occurred in 0.23.0 when the --python-tag
  108. option was added, but was not explicitly mentioned in the changelog then.
  109. - wininst2wheel and egg2wheel removed. Use "wheel convert [archive]"
  110. instead.
  111. - Wheel now supports setuptools style conditional requirements via the
  112. extras_require={} syntax. Separate 'extra' names from conditions using
  113. the : character. Wheel's own does this. (The empty-string
  114. extra is the same as install_requires.) These conditional requirements
  115. should work the same whether the package is installed by wheel or
  116. by
  117. 0.23.0
  118. ======
  119. - Compatibility tag flags added to the bdist_wheel command
  120. - sdist should include files necessary for tests
  121. - 'wheel convert' can now also convert unpacked eggs to wheel
  122. - Rename pydist.json to metadata.json to avoid stepping on the PEP
  123. - The --skip-scripts option has been removed, and not generating scripts is now
  124. the default. The option was a temporary approach until installers could
  125. generate scripts themselves. That is now the case with pip 1.5 and later.
  126. Note that using pip 1.4 to install a wheel without scripts will leave the
  127. installation without entry-point wrappers. The "wheel install-scripts"
  128. command can be used to generate the scripts in such cases.
  129. - Thank you contributors
  130. 0.22.0
  131. ======
  132. - Include entry_points.txt, scripts a.k.a. commands, in experimental
  133. pydist.json
  134. - Improved test_requires parsing
  135. - Python 2.6 fixes, "wheel version" command courtesy pombredanne
  136. 0.21.0
  137. ======
  138. - Pregenerated scripts are the default again.
  139. - " bdist_wheel --skip-scripts" turns them off.
  140. - setuptools is no longer a listed requirement for the 'wheel'
  141. package. It is of course still required in order for bdist_wheel
  142. to work.
  143. - "python -m wheel" avoids importing pkg_resources until it's necessary.
  144. 0.20.0
  145. ======
  146. - No longer include console_scripts in wheels. Ordinary scripts (shell files,
  147. standalone Python files) are included as usual.
  148. - Include new command "python -m wheel install-scripts [distribution
  149. [distribution ...]]" to install the console_scripts (setuptools-style
  150. scripts using pkg_resources) for a distribution.
  151. 0.19.0
  152. ======
  153. - pymeta.json becomes pydist.json
  154. 0.18.0
  155. ======
  156. - Python 3 Unicode improvements
  157. 0.17.0
  158. ======
  159. - Support latest PEP-426 "pymeta.json" (json-format metadata)
  160. 0.16.0
  161. ======
  162. - Python 2.6 compatibility bugfix (thanks John McFarlane)
  163. - Non-prerelease version number
  164. 1.0.0a2
  165. =======
  166. - Bugfix for C-extension tags for CPython 3.3 (using SOABI)
  167. 1.0.0a1
  168. =======
  169. - Bugfix for bdist_wininst converter "wheel convert"
  170. - Bugfix for dists where "is pure" is None instead of True or False
  171. 1.0.0a0
  172. =======
  173. - Update for version 1.0 of Wheel (PEP accepted).
  174. - Python 3 fix for moving Unicode Description to metadata body
  175. - Include rudimentary API documentation in Sphinx (thanks Kevin Horn)
  176. 0.15.0
  177. ======
  178. - Various improvements
  179. 0.14.0
  180. ======
  181. - Changed the signature format to better comply with the current JWS spec.
  182. Breaks all existing signatures.
  183. - Include ``wheel unsign`` command to remove RECORD.jws from an archive.
  184. - Put the description in the newly allowed payload section of PKG-INFO
  185. (METADATA) files.
  186. 0.13.0
  187. ======
  188. - Use distutils instead of sysconfig to get installation paths; can install
  189. headers.
  190. - Improve WheelFile() sort.
  191. - Allow bootstrap installs without any pkg_resources.
  192. 0.12.0
  193. ======
  194. - Unit test for wheel.tool.install
  195. 0.11.0
  196. ======
  197. - API cleanup
  198. 0.10.3
  199. ======
  200. - Scripts fixer fix
  201. 0.10.2
  202. ======
  203. - Fix keygen
  204. 0.10.1
  205. ======
  206. - Preserve attributes on install.
  207. 0.10.0
  208. ======
  209. - Include a copy of pkg_resources. Wheel can now install into a virtualenv
  210. that does not have distribute (though most packages still require
  211. pkg_resources to actually work; wheel install distribute)
  212. - Define a new setup.cfg section [wheel]. universal=1 will
  213. apply the py2.py3-none-any tag for pure python wheels.
  214. 0.9.7
  215. =====
  216. - Only import dirspec when needed. dirspec is only needed to find the
  217. configuration for keygen/signing operations.
  218. 0.9.6
  219. =====
  220. - requires-dist from setup.cfg overwrites any requirements from
  221. Care must be taken that the requirements are the same in both cases,
  222. or just always install from wheel.
  223. - drop dirspec requirement on win32
  224. - improved command line utility, adds 'wheel convert [egg or wininst]' to
  225. convert legacy binary formats to wheel
  226. 0.9.5
  227. =====
  228. - Wheel's own wheel file can be executed by Python, and can install itself:
  229. ``python wheel-0.9.5-py27-none-any/wheel install ...``
  230. - Use argparse; basic ``wheel install`` command should run with only stdlib
  231. dependencies.
  232. - Allow requires_dist in setup.cfg's [metadata] section. In addition to
  233. dependencies in, but will only be interpreted when installing
  234. from wheel, not from sdist. Can be qualified with environment markers.
  235. 0.9.4
  236. =====
  237. - Fix wheel.signatures in sdist
  238. 0.9.3
  239. =====
  240. - Integrated digital signatures support without C extensions.
  241. - Integrated "wheel install" command (single package, no dependency
  242. resolution) including compatibility check.
  243. - Support Python 3.3
  244. - Use Metadata 1.3 (PEP 426)
  245. 0.9.2
  246. =====
  247. - Automatic signing if WHEEL_TOOL points to the wheel binary
  248. - Even more Python 3 fixes
  249. 0.9.1
  250. =====
  251. - 'wheel sign' uses the keys generated by 'wheel keygen' (instead of generating
  252. a new key at random each time)
  253. - Python 2/3 encoding/decoding fixes
  254. - Run tests on Python 2.6 (without signature verification)
  255. 0.9
  256. ===
  257. - Updated digital signatures scheme
  258. - Python 3 support for digital signatures
  259. - Always verify RECORD hashes on extract
  260. - "wheel" command line tool to sign, verify, unpack wheel files
  261. 0.8
  262. ===
  263. - none/any draft pep tags update
  264. - improved wininst2wheel script
  265. - doc changes and other improvements
  266. 0.7
  267. ===
  268. - sort .dist-info at end of wheel archive
  269. - Windows & Python 3 fixes from Paul Moore
  270. - pep8
  271. - scripts to convert wininst & egg to wheel
  272. 0.6
  273. ===
  274. - require distribute >= 0.6.28
  275. - stop using verlib
  276. 0.5
  277. ===
  278. - working pretty well
  279. 0.4.2
  280. =====
  281. - hyphenated name fix
  282. 0.4
  283. ===
  284. - improve test coverage
  285. - improve Windows compatibility
  286. - include tox.ini courtesy of Marc Abramowitz
  287. - draft hmac sha-256 signing function
  288. 0.3
  289. ===
  290. - prototype egg2wheel conversion script
  291. 0.2
  292. ===
  293. - Python 3 compatibility
  294. 0.1
  295. ===
  296. - Initial version