1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859606162636465666768697071727374757677787980818283848586878889909192 |
- # toolbar.tcl --
- #
- # This demonstration script creates a toolbar that can be torn off.
- if {![info exists widgetDemo]} {
- error "This script should be run from the \"widget\" demo."
- }
- package require Tk
- set w .toolbar
- destroy $w
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Toolbar Demonstration"
- wm iconname $w "toolbar"
- positionWindow $w
- ttk::label $w.msg -wraplength 4i -text "This is a demonstration of how to do\
- a toolbar that is styled correctly and which can be torn off. The\
- buttons are configured to be \u201Ctoolbar style\u201D buttons by\
- telling them that they are to use the Toolbutton style. At the left\
- end of the toolbar is a simple marker that the cursor changes to a\
- movement icon over; drag that away from the toolbar to tear off the\
- whole toolbar into a separate toplevel widget. When the dragged-off\
- toolbar is no longer needed, just close it like any normal toplevel\
- and it will reattach to the window it was torn off from."
- ## Set up the toolbar hull
- set t [frame $w.toolbar] ;# Must be a frame!
- ttk::separator $w.sep
- ttk::frame $t.tearoff -cursor fleur
- ttk::separator $t.tearoff.to -orient vertical
- ttk::separator $t.tearoff.to2 -orient vertical
- pack $t.tearoff.to -fill y -expand 1 -padx 2 -side left
- pack $t.tearoff.to2 -fill y -expand 1 -side left
- ttk::frame $t.contents
- grid $t.tearoff $t.contents -sticky nsew
- grid columnconfigure $t $t.contents -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $t.contents 1000 -weight 1
- ## Bindings so that the toolbar can be torn off and reattached
- bind $t.tearoff <B1-Motion> [list tearoff $t %X %Y]
- bind $t.tearoff.to <B1-Motion> [list tearoff $t %X %Y]
- bind $t.tearoff.to2 <B1-Motion> [list tearoff $t %X %Y]
- proc tearoff {w x y} {
- if {[string match $w* [winfo containing $x $y]]} {
- return
- }
- grid remove $w
- grid remove $w.tearoff
- wm manage $w
- wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW [list untearoff $w]
- }
- proc untearoff {w} {
- wm forget $w
- grid $w.tearoff
- grid $w
- }
- ## Toolbar contents
- ttk::button $t.button -text "Button" -style Toolbutton -command [list \
- $w.txt insert end "Button Pressed\n"]
- ttk::checkbutton $t.check -text "Check" -variable check -style Toolbutton \
- -command [concat [list $w.txt insert end] {"check is $check\n"}]
- ttk::menubutton $t.menu -text "Menu" -menu $t.menu.m
- ttk::combobox $t.combo -value [lsort [font families]] -state readonly
- menu $t.menu.m
- $t.menu.m add command -label "Just" -command [list $w.txt insert end Just\n]
- $t.menu.m add command -label "An" -command [list $w.txt insert end An\n]
- $t.menu.m add command -label "Example" \
- -command [list $w.txt insert end Example\n]
- bind $t.combo <<ComboboxSelected>> [list changeFont $w.txt $t.combo]
- proc changeFont {txt combo} {
- $txt configure -font [list [$combo get] 10]
- }
- ## Some content for the rest of the toplevel
- text $w.txt -width 40 -height 10
- interp alias {} doInsert {} $w.txt insert end ;# Make bindings easy to write
- ## Arrange contents
- grid $t.button $t.check $t.menu $t.combo -in $t.contents -padx 2 -sticky ns
- grid $t -sticky ew
- grid $w.sep -sticky ew
- grid $w.msg -sticky ew
- grid $w.txt -sticky nsew
- grid rowconfigure $w $w.txt -weight 1
- grid columnconfigure $w $w.txt -weight 1
- ## See Code / Dismiss buttons
- set btns [addSeeDismiss $w.buttons $w]
- grid $btns -sticky ew