123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540 |
- # plugin/plugin_base.py
- # Copyright (C) 2005-2017 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors
- # <see AUTHORS file>
- #
- # This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under
- # the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
- """Testing extensions.
- this module is designed to work as a testing-framework-agnostic library,
- so that we can continue to support nose and also begin adding new
- functionality via py.test.
- NOTE: copied/adapted from SQLAlchemy master for backwards compatibility;
- this should be removable when Alembic targets SQLAlchemy 1.0.0
- """
- from __future__ import absolute_import
- try:
- # unitttest has a SkipTest also but pytest doesn't
- # honor it unless nose is imported too...
- from nose import SkipTest
- except ImportError:
- from pytest import skip
- SkipTest = skip.Exception
- import sys
- import re
- py3k = sys.version_info >= (3, 0)
- if py3k:
- import configparser
- else:
- import ConfigParser as configparser
- # late imports
- fixtures = None
- engines = None
- provision = None
- exclusions = None
- warnings = None
- assertions = None
- requirements = None
- config = None
- util = None
- file_config = None
- logging = None
- include_tags = set()
- exclude_tags = set()
- options = None
- def setup_options(make_option):
- make_option("--log-info", action="callback", type="string", callback=_log,
- help="turn on info logging for <LOG> (multiple OK)")
- make_option("--log-debug", action="callback",
- type="string", callback=_log,
- help="turn on debug logging for <LOG> (multiple OK)")
- make_option("--db", action="append", type="string", dest="db",
- help="Use prefab database uri. Multiple OK, "
- "first one is run by default.")
- make_option('--dbs', action='callback', callback=_list_dbs,
- help="List available prefab dbs")
- make_option("--dburi", action="append", type="string", dest="dburi",
- help="Database uri. Multiple OK, "
- "first one is run by default.")
- make_option("--dropfirst", action="store_true", dest="dropfirst",
- help="Drop all tables in the target database first")
- make_option("--backend-only", action="store_true", dest="backend_only",
- help="Run only tests marked with __backend__")
- make_option("--low-connections", action="store_true",
- dest="low_connections",
- help="Use a low number of distinct connections - "
- "i.e. for Oracle TNS")
- make_option("--write-idents", type="string", dest="write_idents",
- help="write out generated follower idents to <file>, "
- "when -n<num> is used")
- make_option("--reversetop", action="store_true",
- dest="reversetop", default=False,
- help="Use a random-ordering set implementation in the ORM "
- "(helps reveal dependency issues)")
- make_option("--requirements", action="callback", type="string",
- callback=_requirements_opt,
- help="requirements class for testing, overrides setup.cfg")
- make_option("--with-cdecimal", action="store_true",
- dest="cdecimal", default=False,
- help="Monkeypatch the cdecimal library into Python 'decimal' "
- "for all tests")
- make_option("--include-tag", action="callback", callback=_include_tag,
- type="string",
- help="Include tests with tag <tag>")
- make_option("--exclude-tag", action="callback", callback=_exclude_tag,
- type="string",
- help="Exclude tests with tag <tag>")
- make_option("--mysql-engine", action="store",
- dest="mysql_engine", default=None,
- help="Use the specified MySQL storage engine for all tables, "
- "default is a db-default/InnoDB combo.")
- def configure_follower(follower_ident):
- """Configure required state for a follower.
- This invokes in the parent process and typically includes
- database creation.
- """
- from alembic.testing import provision
- provision.FOLLOWER_IDENT = follower_ident
- def memoize_important_follower_config(dict_):
- """Store important configuration we will need to send to a follower.
- This invokes in the parent process after normal config is set up.
- This is necessary as py.test seems to not be using forking, so we
- start with nothing in memory, *but* it isn't running our argparse
- callables, so we have to just copy all of that over.
- """
- dict_['memoized_config'] = {
- 'include_tags': include_tags,
- 'exclude_tags': exclude_tags
- }
- def restore_important_follower_config(dict_):
- """Restore important configuration needed by a follower.
- This invokes in the follower process.
- """
- include_tags.update(dict_['memoized_config']['include_tags'])
- exclude_tags.update(dict_['memoized_config']['exclude_tags'])
- def read_config():
- global file_config
- file_config = configparser.ConfigParser()
- file_config.read(['setup.cfg', 'test.cfg'])
- def pre_begin(opt):
- """things to set up early, before coverage might be setup."""
- global options
- options = opt
- for fn in pre_configure:
- fn(options, file_config)
- def set_coverage_flag(value):
- options.has_coverage = value
- def post_begin():
- """things to set up later, once we know coverage is running."""
- # Lazy setup of other options (post coverage)
- for fn in post_configure:
- fn(options, file_config)
- # late imports, has to happen after config as well
- # as nose plugins like coverage
- global util, fixtures, engines, exclusions, \
- assertions, warnings, profiling,\
- config, testing
- from alembic.testing import config, warnings, exclusions # noqa
- from alembic.testing import engines, fixtures # noqa
- from sqlalchemy import util # noqa
- warnings.setup_filters()
- def _log(opt_str, value, parser):
- global logging
- if not logging:
- import logging
- logging.basicConfig()
- if opt_str.endswith('-info'):
- logging.getLogger(value).setLevel(logging.INFO)
- elif opt_str.endswith('-debug'):
- logging.getLogger(value).setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
- def _list_dbs(*args):
- print("Available --db options (use --dburi to override)")
- for macro in sorted(file_config.options('db')):
- print("%20s\t%s" % (macro, file_config.get('db', macro)))
- sys.exit(0)
- def _requirements_opt(opt_str, value, parser):
- _setup_requirements(value)
- def _exclude_tag(opt_str, value, parser):
- exclude_tags.add(value.replace('-', '_'))
- def _include_tag(opt_str, value, parser):
- include_tags.add(value.replace('-', '_'))
- pre_configure = []
- post_configure = []
- def pre(fn):
- pre_configure.append(fn)
- return fn
- def post(fn):
- post_configure.append(fn)
- return fn
- @pre
- def _setup_options(opt, file_config):
- global options
- options = opt
- @pre
- def _monkeypatch_cdecimal(options, file_config):
- if options.cdecimal:
- import cdecimal
- sys.modules['decimal'] = cdecimal
- @post
- def _engine_uri(options, file_config):
- from alembic.testing import config
- from alembic.testing import provision
- if options.dburi:
- db_urls = list(options.dburi)
- else:
- db_urls = []
- if options.db:
- for db_token in options.db:
- for db in re.split(r'[,\s]+', db_token):
- if db not in file_config.options('db'):
- raise RuntimeError(
- "Unknown URI specifier '%s'. "
- "Specify --dbs for known uris."
- % db)
- else:
- db_urls.append(file_config.get('db', db))
- if not db_urls:
- db_urls.append(file_config.get('db', 'default'))
- for db_url in db_urls:
- cfg = provision.setup_config(
- db_url, options, file_config, provision.FOLLOWER_IDENT)
- if not config._current:
- cfg.set_as_current(cfg)
- @post
- def _requirements(options, file_config):
- requirement_cls = file_config.get('sqla_testing', "requirement_cls")
- _setup_requirements(requirement_cls)
- def _setup_requirements(argument):
- from alembic.testing import config
- if config.requirements is not None:
- return
- modname, clsname = argument.split(":")
- # importlib.import_module() only introduced in 2.7, a little
- # late
- mod = __import__(modname)
- for component in modname.split(".")[1:]:
- mod = getattr(mod, component)
- req_cls = getattr(mod, clsname)
- config.requirements = req_cls()
- @post
- def _prep_testing_database(options, file_config):
- from alembic.testing import config
- from alembic.testing.exclusions import against
- from sqlalchemy import schema
- from alembic import util
- if util.sqla_08:
- from sqlalchemy import inspect
- else:
- from sqlalchemy.engine.reflection import Inspector
- inspect = Inspector.from_engine
- if options.dropfirst:
- for cfg in config.Config.all_configs():
- e = cfg.db
- inspector = inspect(e)
- try:
- view_names = inspector.get_view_names()
- except NotImplementedError:
- pass
- else:
- for vname in view_names:
- e.execute(schema._DropView(
- schema.Table(vname, schema.MetaData())
- ))
- if config.requirements.schemas.enabled_for_config(cfg):
- try:
- view_names = inspector.get_view_names(
- schema="test_schema")
- except NotImplementedError:
- pass
- else:
- for vname in view_names:
- e.execute(schema._DropView(
- schema.Table(vname, schema.MetaData(),
- schema="test_schema")
- ))
- for tname in reversed(inspector.get_table_names(
- order_by="foreign_key")):
- e.execute(schema.DropTable(
- schema.Table(tname, schema.MetaData())
- ))
- if config.requirements.schemas.enabled_for_config(cfg):
- for tname in reversed(inspector.get_table_names(
- order_by="foreign_key", schema="test_schema")):
- e.execute(schema.DropTable(
- schema.Table(tname, schema.MetaData(),
- schema="test_schema")
- ))
- if against(cfg, "postgresql") and util.sqla_100:
- from sqlalchemy.dialects import postgresql
- for enum in inspector.get_enums("*"):
- e.execute(postgresql.DropEnumType(
- postgresql.ENUM(
- name=enum['name'],
- schema=enum['schema'])))
- @post
- def _reverse_topological(options, file_config):
- if options.reversetop:
- from sqlalchemy.orm.util import randomize_unitofwork
- randomize_unitofwork()
- @post
- def _post_setup_options(opt, file_config):
- from alembic.testing import config
- config.options = options
- config.file_config = file_config
- def want_class(cls):
- if not issubclass(cls, fixtures.TestBase):
- return False
- elif cls.__name__.startswith('_'):
- return False
- elif config.options.backend_only and not getattr(cls, '__backend__',
- False):
- return False
- else:
- return True
- def want_method(cls, fn):
- if not fn.__name__.startswith("test_"):
- return False
- elif fn.__module__ is None:
- return False
- elif include_tags:
- return (
- hasattr(cls, '__tags__') and
- exclusions.tags(cls.__tags__).include_test(
- include_tags, exclude_tags)
- ) or (
- hasattr(fn, '_sa_exclusion_extend') and
- fn._sa_exclusion_extend.include_test(
- include_tags, exclude_tags)
- )
- elif exclude_tags and hasattr(cls, '__tags__'):
- return exclusions.tags(cls.__tags__).include_test(
- include_tags, exclude_tags)
- elif exclude_tags and hasattr(fn, '_sa_exclusion_extend'):
- return fn._sa_exclusion_extend.include_test(include_tags, exclude_tags)
- else:
- return True
- def generate_sub_tests(cls, module):
- if getattr(cls, '__backend__', False):
- for cfg in _possible_configs_for_cls(cls):
- name = "%s_%s_%s" % (cls.__name__, cfg.db.name, cfg.db.driver)
- subcls = type(
- name,
- (cls, ),
- {
- "__only_on__": ("%s+%s" % (cfg.db.name, cfg.db.driver)),
- }
- )
- setattr(module, name, subcls)
- yield subcls
- else:
- yield cls
- def start_test_class(cls):
- _do_skips(cls)
- _setup_engine(cls)
- def stop_test_class(cls):
- #from sqlalchemy import inspect
- #assert not inspect(testing.db).get_table_names()
- _restore_engine()
- def _restore_engine():
- config._current.reset()
- def _setup_engine(cls):
- if getattr(cls, '__engine_options__', None):
- eng = engines.testing_engine(options=cls.__engine_options__)
- config._current.push_engine(eng)
- def before_test(test, test_module_name, test_class, test_name):
- pass
- def after_test(test):
- pass
- def _possible_configs_for_cls(cls, reasons=None):
- all_configs = set(config.Config.all_configs())
- if cls.__unsupported_on__:
- spec = exclusions.db_spec(*cls.__unsupported_on__)
- for config_obj in list(all_configs):
- if spec(config_obj):
- all_configs.remove(config_obj)
- if getattr(cls, '__only_on__', None):
- spec = exclusions.db_spec(*util.to_list(cls.__only_on__))
- for config_obj in list(all_configs):
- if not spec(config_obj):
- all_configs.remove(config_obj)
- if hasattr(cls, '__requires__'):
- requirements = config.requirements
- for config_obj in list(all_configs):
- for requirement in cls.__requires__:
- check = getattr(requirements, requirement)
- skip_reasons = check.matching_config_reasons(config_obj)
- if skip_reasons:
- all_configs.remove(config_obj)
- if reasons is not None:
- reasons.extend(skip_reasons)
- break
- if hasattr(cls, '__prefer_requires__'):
- non_preferred = set()
- requirements = config.requirements
- for config_obj in list(all_configs):
- for requirement in cls.__prefer_requires__:
- check = getattr(requirements, requirement)
- if not check.enabled_for_config(config_obj):
- non_preferred.add(config_obj)
- if all_configs.difference(non_preferred):
- all_configs.difference_update(non_preferred)
- return all_configs
- def _do_skips(cls):
- reasons = []
- all_configs = _possible_configs_for_cls(cls, reasons)
- if getattr(cls, '__skip_if__', False):
- for c in getattr(cls, '__skip_if__'):
- if c():
- raise SkipTest("'%s' skipped by %s" % (
- cls.__name__, c.__name__)
- )
- if not all_configs:
- if getattr(cls, '__backend__', False):
- msg = "'%s' unsupported for implementation '%s'" % (
- cls.__name__, cls.__only_on__)
- else:
- msg = "'%s' unsupported on any DB implementation %s%s" % (
- cls.__name__,
- ", ".join(
- "'%s(%s)+%s'" % (
- config_obj.db.name,
- ".".join(
- str(dig) for dig in
- config_obj.db.dialect.server_version_info),
- config_obj.db.driver
- )
- for config_obj in config.Config.all_configs()
- ),
- ", ".join(reasons)
- )
- raise SkipTest(msg)
- elif hasattr(cls, '__prefer_backends__'):
- non_preferred = set()
- spec = exclusions.db_spec(*util.to_list(cls.__prefer_backends__))
- for config_obj in all_configs:
- if not spec(config_obj):
- non_preferred.add(config_obj)
- if all_configs.difference(non_preferred):
- all_configs.difference_update(non_preferred)
- if config._current not in all_configs:
- _setup_config(all_configs.pop(), cls)
- def _setup_config(config_obj, ctx):
- config._current.push(config_obj)