123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803804805806807808809810811812813814815816817818819820821822823824825826827828829830831832833834835836837838839840841842843844845846847848849850851852853854855856857858859860861862863864865866867868869870871872873874875876877878879880881882883884885886887888889890891892893894895896897898899900901902903904905906907908909910911912913914915916917918919920921922923924925926927928929930931932933934935936937938939940941942943944945946947948949950951952953954955956957958959960961962963964965966967968969970971972973974975976977978 |
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- #
- # Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Vinay Sajip.
- # Licensed to the Python Software Foundation under a contributor agreement.
- # See LICENSE.txt and CONTRIBUTORS.txt.
- #
- from __future__ import unicode_literals
- import base64
- import codecs
- import datetime
- import distutils.util
- from email import message_from_file
- import hashlib
- import imp
- import json
- import logging
- import os
- import posixpath
- import re
- import shutil
- import sys
- import tempfile
- import zipfile
- from . import __version__, DistlibException
- from .compat import sysconfig, ZipFile, fsdecode, text_type, filter
- from .database import InstalledDistribution
- from .metadata import Metadata, METADATA_FILENAME
- from .util import (FileOperator, convert_path, CSVReader, CSVWriter, Cache,
- cached_property, get_cache_base, read_exports, tempdir)
- from .version import NormalizedVersion, UnsupportedVersionError
- logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- cache = None # created when needed
- if hasattr(sys, 'pypy_version_info'):
- IMP_PREFIX = 'pp'
- elif sys.platform.startswith('java'):
- IMP_PREFIX = 'jy'
- elif sys.platform == 'cli':
- IMP_PREFIX = 'ip'
- else:
- IMP_PREFIX = 'cp'
- VER_SUFFIX = sysconfig.get_config_var('py_version_nodot')
- if not VER_SUFFIX: # pragma: no cover
- VER_SUFFIX = '%s%s' % sys.version_info[:2]
- ARCH = distutils.util.get_platform().replace('-', '_').replace('.', '_')
- ABI = sysconfig.get_config_var('SOABI')
- if ABI and ABI.startswith('cpython-'):
- ABI = ABI.replace('cpython-', 'cp')
- else:
- def _derive_abi():
- parts = ['cp', VER_SUFFIX]
- if sysconfig.get_config_var('Py_DEBUG'):
- parts.append('d')
- if sysconfig.get_config_var('WITH_PYMALLOC'):
- parts.append('m')
- if sysconfig.get_config_var('Py_UNICODE_SIZE') == 4:
- parts.append('u')
- return ''.join(parts)
- ABI = _derive_abi()
- del _derive_abi
- FILENAME_RE = re.compile(r'''
- (?P<nm>[^-]+)
- -(?P<vn>\d+[^-]*)
- (-(?P<bn>\d+[^-]*))?
- -(?P<py>\w+\d+(\.\w+\d+)*)
- -(?P<bi>\w+)
- -(?P<ar>\w+(\.\w+)*)
- \.whl$
- ''', re.IGNORECASE | re.VERBOSE)
- NAME_VERSION_RE = re.compile(r'''
- (?P<nm>[^-]+)
- -(?P<vn>\d+[^-]*)
- (-(?P<bn>\d+[^-]*))?$
- ''', re.IGNORECASE | re.VERBOSE)
- SHEBANG_RE = re.compile(br'\s*#![^\r\n]*')
- SHEBANG_DETAIL_RE = re.compile(br'^(\s*#!("[^"]+"|\S+))\s+(.*)$')
- SHEBANG_PYTHON = b'#!python'
- SHEBANG_PYTHONW = b'#!pythonw'
- if os.sep == '/':
- to_posix = lambda o: o
- else:
- to_posix = lambda o: o.replace(os.sep, '/')
- class Mounter(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.impure_wheels = {}
- self.libs = {}
- def add(self, pathname, extensions):
- self.impure_wheels[pathname] = extensions
- self.libs.update(extensions)
- def remove(self, pathname):
- extensions = self.impure_wheels.pop(pathname)
- for k, v in extensions:
- if k in self.libs:
- del self.libs[k]
- def find_module(self, fullname, path=None):
- if fullname in self.libs:
- result = self
- else:
- result = None
- return result
- def load_module(self, fullname):
- if fullname in sys.modules:
- result = sys.modules[fullname]
- else:
- if fullname not in self.libs:
- raise ImportError('unable to find extension for %s' % fullname)
- result = imp.load_dynamic(fullname, self.libs[fullname])
- result.__loader__ = self
- parts = fullname.rsplit('.', 1)
- if len(parts) > 1:
- result.__package__ = parts[0]
- return result
- _hook = Mounter()
- class Wheel(object):
- """
- Class to build and install from Wheel files (PEP 427).
- """
- wheel_version = (1, 1)
- hash_kind = 'sha256'
- def __init__(self, filename=None, sign=False, verify=False):
- """
- Initialise an instance using a (valid) filename.
- """
- self.sign = sign
- self.should_verify = verify
- self.buildver = ''
- self.pyver = [PYVER]
- self.abi = ['none']
- self.arch = ['any']
- self.dirname = os.getcwd()
- if filename is None:
- self.name = 'dummy'
- self.version = '0.1'
- self._filename = self.filename
- else:
- m = NAME_VERSION_RE.match(filename)
- if m:
- info = m.groupdict('')
- self.name = info['nm']
- # Reinstate the local version separator
- self.version = info['vn'].replace('_', '-')
- self.buildver = info['bn']
- self._filename = self.filename
- else:
- dirname, filename = os.path.split(filename)
- m = FILENAME_RE.match(filename)
- if not m:
- raise DistlibException('Invalid name or '
- 'filename: %r' % filename)
- if dirname:
- self.dirname = os.path.abspath(dirname)
- self._filename = filename
- info = m.groupdict('')
- self.name = info['nm']
- self.version = info['vn']
- self.buildver = info['bn']
- self.pyver = info['py'].split('.')
- self.abi = info['bi'].split('.')
- self.arch = info['ar'].split('.')
- @property
- def filename(self):
- """
- Build and return a filename from the various components.
- """
- if self.buildver:
- buildver = '-' + self.buildver
- else:
- buildver = ''
- pyver = '.'.join(self.pyver)
- abi = '.'.join(self.abi)
- arch = '.'.join(self.arch)
- # replace - with _ as a local version separator
- version = self.version.replace('-', '_')
- return '%s-%s%s-%s-%s-%s.whl' % (self.name, version, buildver,
- pyver, abi, arch)
- @property
- def exists(self):
- path = os.path.join(self.dirname, self.filename)
- return os.path.isfile(path)
- @property
- def tags(self):
- for pyver in self.pyver:
- for abi in self.abi:
- for arch in self.arch:
- yield pyver, abi, arch
- @cached_property
- def metadata(self):
- pathname = os.path.join(self.dirname, self.filename)
- name_ver = '%s-%s' % (self.name, self.version)
- info_dir = '%s.dist-info' % name_ver
- wrapper = codecs.getreader('utf-8')
- with ZipFile(pathname, 'r') as zf:
- wheel_metadata = self.get_wheel_metadata(zf)
- wv = wheel_metadata['Wheel-Version'].split('.', 1)
- file_version = tuple([int(i) for i in wv])
- if file_version < (1, 1):
- fn = 'METADATA'
- else:
- try:
- metadata_filename = posixpath.join(info_dir, fn)
- with zf.open(metadata_filename) as bf:
- wf = wrapper(bf)
- result = Metadata(fileobj=wf)
- except KeyError:
- raise ValueError('Invalid wheel, because %s is '
- 'missing' % fn)
- return result
- def get_wheel_metadata(self, zf):
- name_ver = '%s-%s' % (self.name, self.version)
- info_dir = '%s.dist-info' % name_ver
- metadata_filename = posixpath.join(info_dir, 'WHEEL')
- with zf.open(metadata_filename) as bf:
- wf = codecs.getreader('utf-8')(bf)
- message = message_from_file(wf)
- return dict(message)
- @cached_property
- def info(self):
- pathname = os.path.join(self.dirname, self.filename)
- with ZipFile(pathname, 'r') as zf:
- result = self.get_wheel_metadata(zf)
- return result
- def process_shebang(self, data):
- m = SHEBANG_RE.match(data)
- if m:
- end = m.end()
- shebang, data_after_shebang = data[:end], data[end:]
- # Preserve any arguments after the interpreter
- if b'pythonw' in shebang.lower():
- shebang_python = SHEBANG_PYTHONW
- else:
- shebang_python = SHEBANG_PYTHON
- m = SHEBANG_DETAIL_RE.match(shebang)
- if m:
- args = b' ' + m.groups()[-1]
- else:
- args = b''
- shebang = shebang_python + args
- data = shebang + data_after_shebang
- else:
- cr = data.find(b'\r')
- lf = data.find(b'\n')
- if cr < 0 or cr > lf:
- term = b'\n'
- else:
- if data[cr:cr + 2] == b'\r\n':
- term = b'\r\n'
- else:
- term = b'\r'
- data = SHEBANG_PYTHON + term + data
- return data
- def get_hash(self, data, hash_kind=None):
- if hash_kind is None:
- hash_kind = self.hash_kind
- try:
- hasher = getattr(hashlib, hash_kind)
- except AttributeError:
- raise DistlibException('Unsupported hash algorithm: %r' % hash_kind)
- result = hasher(data).digest()
- result = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(result).rstrip(b'=').decode('ascii')
- return hash_kind, result
- def write_record(self, records, record_path, base):
- records = list(records) # make a copy for sorting
- p = to_posix(os.path.relpath(record_path, base))
- records.append((p, '', ''))
- records.sort()
- with CSVWriter(record_path) as writer:
- for row in records:
- writer.writerow(row)
- def write_records(self, info, libdir, archive_paths):
- records = []
- distinfo, info_dir = info
- hasher = getattr(hashlib, self.hash_kind)
- for ap, p in archive_paths:
- with open(p, 'rb') as f:
- data = f.read()
- digest = '%s=%s' % self.get_hash(data)
- size = os.path.getsize(p)
- records.append((ap, digest, size))
- p = os.path.join(distinfo, 'RECORD')
- self.write_record(records, p, libdir)
- ap = to_posix(os.path.join(info_dir, 'RECORD'))
- archive_paths.append((ap, p))
- def build_zip(self, pathname, archive_paths):
- with ZipFile(pathname, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zf:
- for ap, p in archive_paths:
- logger.debug('Wrote %s to %s in wheel', p, ap)
- zf.write(p, ap)
- def build(self, paths, tags=None, wheel_version=None):
- """
- Build a wheel from files in specified paths, and use any specified tags
- when determining the name of the wheel.
- """
- if tags is None:
- tags = {}
- libkey = list(filter(lambda o: o in paths, ('purelib', 'platlib')))[0]
- if libkey == 'platlib':
- is_pure = 'false'
- default_pyver = [IMPVER]
- default_abi = [ABI]
- default_arch = [ARCH]
- else:
- is_pure = 'true'
- default_pyver = [PYVER]
- default_abi = ['none']
- default_arch = ['any']
- self.pyver = tags.get('pyver', default_pyver)
- self.abi = tags.get('abi', default_abi)
- self.arch = tags.get('arch', default_arch)
- libdir = paths[libkey]
- name_ver = '%s-%s' % (self.name, self.version)
- data_dir = '%s.data' % name_ver
- info_dir = '%s.dist-info' % name_ver
- archive_paths = []
- # First, stuff which is not in site-packages
- for key in ('data', 'headers', 'scripts'):
- if key not in paths:
- continue
- path = paths[key]
- if os.path.isdir(path):
- for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
- for fn in files:
- p = fsdecode(os.path.join(root, fn))
- rp = os.path.relpath(p, path)
- ap = to_posix(os.path.join(data_dir, key, rp))
- archive_paths.append((ap, p))
- if key == 'scripts' and not p.endswith('.exe'):
- with open(p, 'rb') as f:
- data = f.read()
- data = self.process_shebang(data)
- with open(p, 'wb') as f:
- f.write(data)
- # Now, stuff which is in site-packages, other than the
- # distinfo stuff.
- path = libdir
- distinfo = None
- for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
- if root == path:
- # At the top level only, save distinfo for later
- # and skip it for now
- for i, dn in enumerate(dirs):
- dn = fsdecode(dn)
- if dn.endswith('.dist-info'):
- distinfo = os.path.join(root, dn)
- del dirs[i]
- break
- assert distinfo, '.dist-info directory expected, not found'
- for fn in files:
- # comment out next suite to leave .pyc files in
- if fsdecode(fn).endswith(('.pyc', '.pyo')):
- continue
- p = os.path.join(root, fn)
- rp = to_posix(os.path.relpath(p, path))
- archive_paths.append((rp, p))
- # Now distinfo. Assumed to be flat, i.e. os.listdir is enough.
- files = os.listdir(distinfo)
- for fn in files:
- if fn not in ('RECORD', 'INSTALLER', 'SHARED', 'WHEEL'):
- p = fsdecode(os.path.join(distinfo, fn))
- ap = to_posix(os.path.join(info_dir, fn))
- archive_paths.append((ap, p))
- wheel_metadata = [
- 'Wheel-Version: %d.%d' % (wheel_version or self.wheel_version),
- 'Generator: distlib %s' % __version__,
- 'Root-Is-Purelib: %s' % is_pure,
- ]
- for pyver, abi, arch in self.tags:
- wheel_metadata.append('Tag: %s-%s-%s' % (pyver, abi, arch))
- p = os.path.join(distinfo, 'WHEEL')
- with open(p, 'w') as f:
- f.write('\n'.join(wheel_metadata))
- ap = to_posix(os.path.join(info_dir, 'WHEEL'))
- archive_paths.append((ap, p))
- # Now, at last, RECORD.
- # Paths in here are archive paths - nothing else makes sense.
- self.write_records((distinfo, info_dir), libdir, archive_paths)
- # Now, ready to build the zip file
- pathname = os.path.join(self.dirname, self.filename)
- self.build_zip(pathname, archive_paths)
- return pathname
- def install(self, paths, maker, **kwargs):
- """
- Install a wheel to the specified paths. If kwarg ``warner`` is
- specified, it should be a callable, which will be called with two
- tuples indicating the wheel version of this software and the wheel
- version in the file, if there is a discrepancy in the versions.
- This can be used to issue any warnings to raise any exceptions.
- If kwarg ``lib_only`` is True, only the purelib/platlib files are
- installed, and the headers, scripts, data and dist-info metadata are
- not written.
- The return value is a :class:`InstalledDistribution` instance unless
- ``options.lib_only`` is True, in which case the return value is ``None``.
- """
- dry_run = maker.dry_run
- warner = kwargs.get('warner')
- lib_only = kwargs.get('lib_only', False)
- pathname = os.path.join(self.dirname, self.filename)
- name_ver = '%s-%s' % (self.name, self.version)
- data_dir = '%s.data' % name_ver
- info_dir = '%s.dist-info' % name_ver
- metadata_name = posixpath.join(info_dir, METADATA_FILENAME)
- wheel_metadata_name = posixpath.join(info_dir, 'WHEEL')
- record_name = posixpath.join(info_dir, 'RECORD')
- wrapper = codecs.getreader('utf-8')
- with ZipFile(pathname, 'r') as zf:
- with zf.open(wheel_metadata_name) as bwf:
- wf = wrapper(bwf)
- message = message_from_file(wf)
- wv = message['Wheel-Version'].split('.', 1)
- file_version = tuple([int(i) for i in wv])
- if (file_version != self.wheel_version) and warner:
- warner(self.wheel_version, file_version)
- if message['Root-Is-Purelib'] == 'true':
- libdir = paths['purelib']
- else:
- libdir = paths['platlib']
- records = {}
- with zf.open(record_name) as bf:
- with CSVReader(stream=bf) as reader:
- for row in reader:
- p = row[0]
- records[p] = row
- data_pfx = posixpath.join(data_dir, '')
- info_pfx = posixpath.join(info_dir, '')
- script_pfx = posixpath.join(data_dir, 'scripts', '')
- # make a new instance rather than a copy of maker's,
- # as we mutate it
- fileop = FileOperator(dry_run=dry_run)
- fileop.record = True # so we can rollback if needed
- bc = not sys.dont_write_bytecode # Double negatives. Lovely!
- outfiles = [] # for RECORD writing
- # for script copying/shebang processing
- workdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
- # set target dir later
- # we default add_launchers to False, as the
- # Python Launcher should be used instead
- maker.source_dir = workdir
- maker.target_dir = None
- try:
- for zinfo in zf.infolist():
- arcname = zinfo.filename
- if isinstance(arcname, text_type):
- u_arcname = arcname
- else:
- u_arcname = arcname.decode('utf-8')
- # The signature file won't be in RECORD,
- # and we don't currently don't do anything with it
- if u_arcname.endswith('/RECORD.jws'):
- continue
- row = records[u_arcname]
- if row[2] and str(zinfo.file_size) != row[2]:
- raise DistlibException('size mismatch for '
- '%s' % u_arcname)
- if row[1]:
- kind, value = row[1].split('=', 1)
- with zf.open(arcname) as bf:
- data = bf.read()
- _, digest = self.get_hash(data, kind)
- if digest != value:
- raise DistlibException('digest mismatch for '
- '%s' % arcname)
- if lib_only and u_arcname.startswith((info_pfx, data_pfx)):
- logger.debug('lib_only: skipping %s', u_arcname)
- continue
- is_script = (u_arcname.startswith(script_pfx)
- and not u_arcname.endswith('.exe'))
- if u_arcname.startswith(data_pfx):
- _, where, rp = u_arcname.split('/', 2)
- outfile = os.path.join(paths[where], convert_path(rp))
- else:
- # meant for site-packages.
- if u_arcname in (wheel_metadata_name, record_name):
- continue
- outfile = os.path.join(libdir, convert_path(u_arcname))
- if not is_script:
- with zf.open(arcname) as bf:
- fileop.copy_stream(bf, outfile)
- outfiles.append(outfile)
- # Double check the digest of the written file
- if not dry_run and row[1]:
- with open(outfile, 'rb') as bf:
- data = bf.read()
- _, newdigest = self.get_hash(data, kind)
- if newdigest != digest:
- raise DistlibException('digest mismatch '
- 'on write for '
- '%s' % outfile)
- if bc and outfile.endswith('.py'):
- try:
- pyc = fileop.byte_compile(outfile)
- outfiles.append(pyc)
- except Exception:
- # Don't give up if byte-compilation fails,
- # but log it and perhaps warn the user
- logger.warning('Byte-compilation failed',
- exc_info=True)
- else:
- fn = os.path.basename(convert_path(arcname))
- workname = os.path.join(workdir, fn)
- with zf.open(arcname) as bf:
- fileop.copy_stream(bf, workname)
- dn, fn = os.path.split(outfile)
- maker.target_dir = dn
- filenames = maker.make(fn)
- fileop.set_executable_mode(filenames)
- outfiles.extend(filenames)
- if lib_only:
- logger.debug('lib_only: returning None')
- dist = None
- else:
- # Generate scripts
- # Try to get pydist.json so we can see if there are
- # any commands to generate. If this fails (e.g. because
- # of a legacy wheel), log a warning but don't give up.
- commands = None
- file_version = self.info['Wheel-Version']
- if file_version == '1.0':
- # Use legacy info
- ep = posixpath.join(info_dir, 'entry_points.txt')
- try:
- with zf.open(ep) as bwf:
- epdata = read_exports(bwf)
- commands = {}
- for key in ('console', 'gui'):
- k = '%s_scripts' % key
- if k in epdata:
- commands['wrap_%s' % key] = d = {}
- for v in epdata[k].values():
- s = '%s:%s' % (v.prefix, v.suffix)
- if v.flags:
- s += ' %s' % v.flags
- d[v.name] = s
- except Exception:
- logger.warning('Unable to read legacy script '
- 'metadata, so cannot generate '
- 'scripts')
- else:
- try:
- with zf.open(metadata_name) as bwf:
- wf = wrapper(bwf)
- commands = json.load(wf).get('extensions')
- if commands:
- commands = commands.get('python.commands')
- except Exception:
- logger.warning('Unable to read JSON metadata, so '
- 'cannot generate scripts')
- if commands:
- console_scripts = commands.get('wrap_console', {})
- gui_scripts = commands.get('wrap_gui', {})
- if console_scripts or gui_scripts:
- script_dir = paths.get('scripts', '')
- if not os.path.isdir(script_dir):
- raise ValueError('Valid script path not '
- 'specified')
- maker.target_dir = script_dir
- for k, v in console_scripts.items():
- script = '%s = %s' % (k, v)
- filenames = maker.make(script)
- fileop.set_executable_mode(filenames)
- if gui_scripts:
- options = {'gui': True }
- for k, v in gui_scripts.items():
- script = '%s = %s' % (k, v)
- filenames = maker.make(script, options)
- fileop.set_executable_mode(filenames)
- p = os.path.join(libdir, info_dir)
- dist = InstalledDistribution(p)
- # Write SHARED
- paths = dict(paths) # don't change passed in dict
- del paths['purelib']
- del paths['platlib']
- paths['lib'] = libdir
- p = dist.write_shared_locations(paths, dry_run)
- if p:
- outfiles.append(p)
- # Write RECORD
- dist.write_installed_files(outfiles, paths['prefix'],
- dry_run)
- return dist
- except Exception: # pragma: no cover
- logger.exception('installation failed.')
- fileop.rollback()
- raise
- finally:
- shutil.rmtree(workdir)
- def _get_dylib_cache(self):
- global cache
- if cache is None:
- # Use native string to avoid issues on 2.x: see Python #20140.
- base = os.path.join(get_cache_base(), str('dylib-cache'),
- sys.version[:3])
- cache = Cache(base)
- return cache
- def _get_extensions(self):
- pathname = os.path.join(self.dirname, self.filename)
- name_ver = '%s-%s' % (self.name, self.version)
- info_dir = '%s.dist-info' % name_ver
- arcname = posixpath.join(info_dir, 'EXTENSIONS')
- wrapper = codecs.getreader('utf-8')
- result = []
- with ZipFile(pathname, 'r') as zf:
- try:
- with zf.open(arcname) as bf:
- wf = wrapper(bf)
- extensions = json.load(wf)
- cache = self._get_dylib_cache()
- prefix = cache.prefix_to_dir(pathname)
- cache_base = os.path.join(cache.base, prefix)
- if not os.path.isdir(cache_base):
- os.makedirs(cache_base)
- for name, relpath in extensions.items():
- dest = os.path.join(cache_base, convert_path(relpath))
- if not os.path.exists(dest):
- extract = True
- else:
- file_time = os.stat(dest).st_mtime
- file_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(file_time)
- info = zf.getinfo(relpath)
- wheel_time = datetime.datetime(*info.date_time)
- extract = wheel_time > file_time
- if extract:
- zf.extract(relpath, cache_base)
- result.append((name, dest))
- except KeyError:
- pass
- return result
- def is_compatible(self):
- """
- Determine if a wheel is compatible with the running system.
- """
- return is_compatible(self)
- def is_mountable(self):
- """
- Determine if a wheel is asserted as mountable by its metadata.
- """
- return True # for now - metadata details TBD
- def mount(self, append=False):
- pathname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.dirname, self.filename))
- if not self.is_compatible():
- msg = 'Wheel %s not compatible with this Python.' % pathname
- raise DistlibException(msg)
- if not self.is_mountable():
- msg = 'Wheel %s is marked as not mountable.' % pathname
- raise DistlibException(msg)
- if pathname in sys.path:
- logger.debug('%s already in path', pathname)
- else:
- if append:
- sys.path.append(pathname)
- else:
- sys.path.insert(0, pathname)
- extensions = self._get_extensions()
- if extensions:
- if _hook not in sys.meta_path:
- sys.meta_path.append(_hook)
- _hook.add(pathname, extensions)
- def unmount(self):
- pathname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.dirname, self.filename))
- if pathname not in sys.path:
- logger.debug('%s not in path', pathname)
- else:
- sys.path.remove(pathname)
- if pathname in _hook.impure_wheels:
- _hook.remove(pathname)
- if not _hook.impure_wheels:
- if _hook in sys.meta_path:
- sys.meta_path.remove(_hook)
- def verify(self):
- pathname = os.path.join(self.dirname, self.filename)
- name_ver = '%s-%s' % (self.name, self.version)
- data_dir = '%s.data' % name_ver
- info_dir = '%s.dist-info' % name_ver
- metadata_name = posixpath.join(info_dir, METADATA_FILENAME)
- wheel_metadata_name = posixpath.join(info_dir, 'WHEEL')
- record_name = posixpath.join(info_dir, 'RECORD')
- wrapper = codecs.getreader('utf-8')
- with ZipFile(pathname, 'r') as zf:
- with zf.open(wheel_metadata_name) as bwf:
- wf = wrapper(bwf)
- message = message_from_file(wf)
- wv = message['Wheel-Version'].split('.', 1)
- file_version = tuple([int(i) for i in wv])
- # TODO version verification
- records = {}
- with zf.open(record_name) as bf:
- with CSVReader(stream=bf) as reader:
- for row in reader:
- p = row[0]
- records[p] = row
- for zinfo in zf.infolist():
- arcname = zinfo.filename
- if isinstance(arcname, text_type):
- u_arcname = arcname
- else:
- u_arcname = arcname.decode('utf-8')
- if '..' in u_arcname:
- raise DistlibException('invalid entry in '
- 'wheel: %r' % u_arcname)
- # The signature file won't be in RECORD,
- # and we don't currently don't do anything with it
- if u_arcname.endswith('/RECORD.jws'):
- continue
- row = records[u_arcname]
- if row[2] and str(zinfo.file_size) != row[2]:
- raise DistlibException('size mismatch for '
- '%s' % u_arcname)
- if row[1]:
- kind, value = row[1].split('=', 1)
- with zf.open(arcname) as bf:
- data = bf.read()
- _, digest = self.get_hash(data, kind)
- if digest != value:
- raise DistlibException('digest mismatch for '
- '%s' % arcname)
- def update(self, modifier, dest_dir=None, **kwargs):
- """
- Update the contents of a wheel in a generic way. The modifier should
- be a callable which expects a dictionary argument: its keys are
- archive-entry paths, and its values are absolute filesystem paths
- where the contents the corresponding archive entries can be found. The
- modifier is free to change the contents of the files pointed to, add
- new entries and remove entries, before returning. This method will
- extract the entire contents of the wheel to a temporary location, call
- the modifier, and then use the passed (and possibly updated)
- dictionary to write a new wheel. If ``dest_dir`` is specified, the new
- wheel is written there -- otherwise, the original wheel is overwritten.
- The modifier should return True if it updated the wheel, else False.
- This method returns the same value the modifier returns.
- """
- def get_version(path_map, info_dir):
- version = path = None
- key = '%s/%s' % (info_dir, METADATA_FILENAME)
- if key not in path_map:
- key = '%s/PKG-INFO' % info_dir
- if key in path_map:
- path = path_map[key]
- version = Metadata(path=path).version
- return version, path
- def update_version(version, path):
- updated = None
- try:
- v = NormalizedVersion(version)
- i = version.find('-')
- if i < 0:
- updated = '%s+1' % version
- else:
- parts = [int(s) for s in version[i + 1:].split('.')]
- parts[-1] += 1
- updated = '%s+%s' % (version[:i],
- '.'.join(str(i) for i in parts))
- except UnsupportedVersionError:
- logger.debug('Cannot update non-compliant (PEP-440) '
- 'version %r', version)
- if updated:
- md = Metadata(path=path)
- md.version = updated
- legacy = not path.endswith(METADATA_FILENAME)
- md.write(path=path, legacy=legacy)
- logger.debug('Version updated from %r to %r', version,
- updated)
- pathname = os.path.join(self.dirname, self.filename)
- name_ver = '%s-%s' % (self.name, self.version)
- info_dir = '%s.dist-info' % name_ver
- record_name = posixpath.join(info_dir, 'RECORD')
- with tempdir() as workdir:
- with ZipFile(pathname, 'r') as zf:
- path_map = {}
- for zinfo in zf.infolist():
- arcname = zinfo.filename
- if isinstance(arcname, text_type):
- u_arcname = arcname
- else:
- u_arcname = arcname.decode('utf-8')
- if u_arcname == record_name:
- continue
- if '..' in u_arcname:
- raise DistlibException('invalid entry in '
- 'wheel: %r' % u_arcname)
- zf.extract(zinfo, workdir)
- path = os.path.join(workdir, convert_path(u_arcname))
- path_map[u_arcname] = path
- # Remember the version.
- original_version, _ = get_version(path_map, info_dir)
- # Files extracted. Call the modifier.
- modified = modifier(path_map, **kwargs)
- if modified:
- # Something changed - need to build a new wheel.
- current_version, path = get_version(path_map, info_dir)
- if current_version and (current_version == original_version):
- # Add or update local version to signify changes.
- update_version(current_version, path)
- # Decide where the new wheel goes.
- if dest_dir is None:
- fd, newpath = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.whl',
- prefix='wheel-update-',
- dir=workdir)
- os.close(fd)
- else:
- if not os.path.isdir(dest_dir):
- raise DistlibException('Not a directory: %r' % dest_dir)
- newpath = os.path.join(dest_dir, self.filename)
- archive_paths = list(path_map.items())
- distinfo = os.path.join(workdir, info_dir)
- info = distinfo, info_dir
- self.write_records(info, workdir, archive_paths)
- self.build_zip(newpath, archive_paths)
- if dest_dir is None:
- shutil.copyfile(newpath, pathname)
- return modified
- def compatible_tags():
- """
- Return (pyver, abi, arch) tuples compatible with this Python.
- """
- versions = [VER_SUFFIX]
- major = VER_SUFFIX[0]
- for minor in range(sys.version_info[1] - 1, - 1, -1):
- versions.append(''.join([major, str(minor)]))
- abis = []
- for suffix, _, _ in imp.get_suffixes():
- if suffix.startswith('.abi'):
- abis.append(suffix.split('.', 2)[1])
- abis.sort()
- if ABI != 'none':
- abis.insert(0, ABI)
- abis.append('none')
- result = []
- arches = [ARCH]
- if sys.platform == 'darwin':
- m = re.match('(\w+)_(\d+)_(\d+)_(\w+)$', ARCH)
- if m:
- name, major, minor, arch = m.groups()
- minor = int(minor)
- matches = [arch]
- if arch in ('i386', 'ppc'):
- matches.append('fat')
- if arch in ('i386', 'ppc', 'x86_64'):
- matches.append('fat3')
- if arch in ('ppc64', 'x86_64'):
- matches.append('fat64')
- if arch in ('i386', 'x86_64'):
- matches.append('intel')
- if arch in ('i386', 'x86_64', 'intel', 'ppc', 'ppc64'):
- matches.append('universal')
- while minor >= 0:
- for match in matches:
- s = '%s_%s_%s_%s' % (name, major, minor, match)
- if s != ARCH: # already there
- arches.append(s)
- minor -= 1
- # Most specific - our Python version, ABI and arch
- for abi in abis:
- for arch in arches:
- result.append((''.join((IMP_PREFIX, versions[0])), abi, arch))
- # where no ABI / arch dependency, but IMP_PREFIX dependency
- for i, version in enumerate(versions):
- result.append((''.join((IMP_PREFIX, version)), 'none', 'any'))
- if i == 0:
- result.append((''.join((IMP_PREFIX, version[0])), 'none', 'any'))
- # no IMP_PREFIX, ABI or arch dependency
- for i, version in enumerate(versions):
- result.append((''.join(('py', version)), 'none', 'any'))
- if i == 0:
- result.append((''.join(('py', version[0])), 'none', 'any'))
- return set(result)
- COMPATIBLE_TAGS = compatible_tags()
- del compatible_tags
- def is_compatible(wheel, tags=None):
- if not isinstance(wheel, Wheel):
- wheel = Wheel(wheel) # assume it's a filename
- result = False
- if tags is None:
- for ver, abi, arch in tags:
- if ver in wheel.pyver and abi in wheel.abi and arch in wheel.arch:
- result = True
- break
- return result