123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153 |
- # coding: utf8
- """
- webencodings.tests
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- A basic test suite for Encoding.
- :copyright: Copyright 2012 by Simon Sapin
- :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
- """
- from __future__ import unicode_literals
- from . import (lookup, LABELS, decode, encode, iter_decode, iter_encode,
- IncrementalDecoder, IncrementalEncoder, UTF8)
- def assert_raises(exception, function, *args, **kwargs):
- try:
- function(*args, **kwargs)
- except exception:
- return
- else: # pragma: no cover
- raise AssertionError('Did not raise %s.' % exception)
- def test_labels():
- assert lookup('utf-8').name == 'utf-8'
- assert lookup('Utf-8').name == 'utf-8'
- assert lookup('UTF-8').name == 'utf-8'
- assert lookup('utf8').name == 'utf-8'
- assert lookup('utf8').name == 'utf-8'
- assert lookup('utf8 ').name == 'utf-8'
- assert lookup(' \r\nutf8\t').name == 'utf-8'
- assert lookup('u8') is None # Python label.
- assert lookup('utf-8 ') is None # Non-ASCII white space.
- assert lookup('US-ASCII').name == 'windows-1252'
- assert lookup('iso-8859-1').name == 'windows-1252'
- assert lookup('latin1').name == 'windows-1252'
- assert lookup('LATIN1').name == 'windows-1252'
- assert lookup('latin-1') is None
- assert lookup('LATİN1') is None # ASCII-only case insensitivity.
- def test_all_labels():
- for label in LABELS:
- assert decode(b'', label) == ('', lookup(label))
- assert encode('', label) == b''
- for repeat in [0, 1, 12]:
- output, _ = iter_decode([b''] * repeat, label)
- assert list(output) == []
- assert list(iter_encode([''] * repeat, label)) == []
- decoder = IncrementalDecoder(label)
- assert decoder.decode(b'') == ''
- assert decoder.decode(b'', final=True) == ''
- encoder = IncrementalEncoder(label)
- assert encoder.encode('') == b''
- assert encoder.encode('', final=True) == b''
- # All encoding names are valid labels too:
- for name in set(LABELS.values()):
- assert lookup(name).name == name
- def test_invalid_label():
- assert_raises(LookupError, decode, b'\xEF\xBB\xBF\xc3\xa9', 'invalid')
- assert_raises(LookupError, encode, 'é', 'invalid')
- assert_raises(LookupError, iter_decode, [], 'invalid')
- assert_raises(LookupError, iter_encode, [], 'invalid')
- assert_raises(LookupError, IncrementalDecoder, 'invalid')
- assert_raises(LookupError, IncrementalEncoder, 'invalid')
- def test_decode():
- assert decode(b'\x80', 'latin1') == ('€', lookup('latin1'))
- assert decode(b'\x80', lookup('latin1')) == ('€', lookup('latin1'))
- assert decode(b'\xc3\xa9', 'utf8') == ('é', lookup('utf8'))
- assert decode(b'\xc3\xa9', UTF8) == ('é', lookup('utf8'))
- assert decode(b'\xc3\xa9', 'ascii') == ('é', lookup('ascii'))
- assert decode(b'\xEF\xBB\xBF\xc3\xa9', 'ascii') == ('é', lookup('utf8')) # UTF-8 with BOM
- assert decode(b'\xFE\xFF\x00\xe9', 'ascii') == ('é', lookup('utf-16be')) # UTF-16-BE with BOM
- assert decode(b'\xFF\xFE\xe9\x00', 'ascii') == ('é', lookup('utf-16le')) # UTF-16-LE with BOM
- assert decode(b'\xFE\xFF\xe9\x00', 'ascii') == ('\ue900', lookup('utf-16be'))
- assert decode(b'\xFF\xFE\x00\xe9', 'ascii') == ('\ue900', lookup('utf-16le'))
- assert decode(b'\x00\xe9', 'UTF-16BE') == ('é', lookup('utf-16be'))
- assert decode(b'\xe9\x00', 'UTF-16LE') == ('é', lookup('utf-16le'))
- assert decode(b'\xe9\x00', 'UTF-16') == ('é', lookup('utf-16le'))
- assert decode(b'\xe9\x00', 'UTF-16BE') == ('\ue900', lookup('utf-16be'))
- assert decode(b'\x00\xe9', 'UTF-16LE') == ('\ue900', lookup('utf-16le'))
- assert decode(b'\x00\xe9', 'UTF-16') == ('\ue900', lookup('utf-16le'))
- def test_encode():
- assert encode('é', 'latin1') == b'\xe9'
- assert encode('é', 'utf8') == b'\xc3\xa9'
- assert encode('é', 'utf8') == b'\xc3\xa9'
- assert encode('é', 'utf-16') == b'\xe9\x00'
- assert encode('é', 'utf-16le') == b'\xe9\x00'
- assert encode('é', 'utf-16be') == b'\x00\xe9'
- def test_iter_decode():
- def iter_decode_to_string(input, fallback_encoding):
- output, _encoding = iter_decode(input, fallback_encoding)
- return ''.join(output)
- assert iter_decode_to_string([], 'latin1') == ''
- assert iter_decode_to_string([b''], 'latin1') == ''
- assert iter_decode_to_string([b'\xe9'], 'latin1') == 'é'
- assert iter_decode_to_string([b'hello'], 'latin1') == 'hello'
- assert iter_decode_to_string([b'he', b'llo'], 'latin1') == 'hello'
- assert iter_decode_to_string([b'hell', b'o'], 'latin1') == 'hello'
- assert iter_decode_to_string([b'\xc3\xa9'], 'latin1') == 'é'
- assert iter_decode_to_string([b'\xEF\xBB\xBF\xc3\xa9'], 'latin1') == 'é'
- assert iter_decode_to_string([
- b'\xEF\xBB\xBF', b'\xc3', b'\xa9'], 'latin1') == 'é'
- assert iter_decode_to_string([
- b'\xEF\xBB\xBF', b'a', b'\xc3'], 'latin1') == 'a\uFFFD'
- assert iter_decode_to_string([
- b'', b'\xEF', b'', b'', b'\xBB\xBF\xc3', b'\xa9'], 'latin1') == 'é'
- assert iter_decode_to_string([b'\xEF\xBB\xBF'], 'latin1') == ''
- assert iter_decode_to_string([b'\xEF\xBB'], 'latin1') == 'ï»'
- assert iter_decode_to_string([b'\xFE\xFF\x00\xe9'], 'latin1') == 'é'
- assert iter_decode_to_string([b'\xFF\xFE\xe9\x00'], 'latin1') == 'é'
- assert iter_decode_to_string([
- b'', b'\xFF', b'', b'', b'\xFE\xe9', b'\x00'], 'latin1') == 'é'
- assert iter_decode_to_string([
- b'', b'h\xe9', b'llo'], 'x-user-defined') == 'h\uF7E9llo'
- def test_iter_encode():
- assert b''.join(iter_encode([], 'latin1')) == b''
- assert b''.join(iter_encode([''], 'latin1')) == b''
- assert b''.join(iter_encode(['é'], 'latin1')) == b'\xe9'
- assert b''.join(iter_encode(['', 'é', '', ''], 'latin1')) == b'\xe9'
- assert b''.join(iter_encode(['', 'é', '', ''], 'utf-16')) == b'\xe9\x00'
- assert b''.join(iter_encode(['', 'é', '', ''], 'utf-16le')) == b'\xe9\x00'
- assert b''.join(iter_encode(['', 'é', '', ''], 'utf-16be')) == b'\x00\xe9'
- assert b''.join(iter_encode([
- '', 'h\uF7E9', '', 'llo'], 'x-user-defined')) == b'h\xe9llo'
- def test_x_user_defined():
- encoded = b'2,\x0c\x0b\x1aO\xd9#\xcb\x0f\xc9\xbbt\xcf\xa8\xca'
- decoded = '2,\x0c\x0b\x1aO\uf7d9#\uf7cb\x0f\uf7c9\uf7bbt\uf7cf\uf7a8\uf7ca'
- encoded = b'aa'
- decoded = 'aa'
- assert decode(encoded, 'x-user-defined') == (decoded, lookup('x-user-defined'))
- assert encode(decoded, 'x-user-defined') == encoded