123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565 |
- # This is a copy of the Python logging.config.dictconfig module,
- # reproduced with permission. It is provided here for backwards
- # compatibility for Python versions prior to 2.7.
- #
- # Copyright 2009-2010 by Vinay Sajip. All Rights Reserved.
- #
- # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
- # documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
- # provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that
- # both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
- # supporting documentation, and that the name of Vinay Sajip
- # not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution
- # of the software without specific, written prior permission.
- from __future__ import absolute_import
- import logging.handlers
- import re
- import sys
- import types
- from pip._vendor import six
- # flake8: noqa
- IDENTIFIER = re.compile('^[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*$', re.I)
- def valid_ident(s):
- m = IDENTIFIER.match(s)
- if not m:
- raise ValueError('Not a valid Python identifier: %r' % s)
- return True
- #
- # This function is defined in logging only in recent versions of Python
- #
- try:
- from logging import _checkLevel
- except ImportError:
- def _checkLevel(level):
- if isinstance(level, int):
- rv = level
- elif str(level) == level:
- if level not in logging._levelNames:
- raise ValueError('Unknown level: %r' % level)
- rv = logging._levelNames[level]
- else:
- raise TypeError('Level not an integer or a '
- 'valid string: %r' % level)
- return rv
- # The ConvertingXXX classes are wrappers around standard Python containers,
- # and they serve to convert any suitable values in the container. The
- # conversion converts base dicts, lists and tuples to their wrapped
- # equivalents, whereas strings which match a conversion format are converted
- # appropriately.
- #
- # Each wrapper should have a configurator attribute holding the actual
- # configurator to use for conversion.
- class ConvertingDict(dict):
- """A converting dictionary wrapper."""
- def __getitem__(self, key):
- value = dict.__getitem__(self, key)
- result = self.configurator.convert(value)
- # If the converted value is different, save for next time
- if value is not result:
- self[key] = result
- if type(result) in (ConvertingDict, ConvertingList,
- ConvertingTuple):
- result.parent = self
- result.key = key
- return result
- def get(self, key, default=None):
- value = dict.get(self, key, default)
- result = self.configurator.convert(value)
- # If the converted value is different, save for next time
- if value is not result:
- self[key] = result
- if type(result) in (ConvertingDict, ConvertingList,
- ConvertingTuple):
- result.parent = self
- result.key = key
- return result
- def pop(self, key, default=None):
- value = dict.pop(self, key, default)
- result = self.configurator.convert(value)
- if value is not result:
- if type(result) in (ConvertingDict, ConvertingList,
- ConvertingTuple):
- result.parent = self
- result.key = key
- return result
- class ConvertingList(list):
- """A converting list wrapper."""
- def __getitem__(self, key):
- value = list.__getitem__(self, key)
- result = self.configurator.convert(value)
- # If the converted value is different, save for next time
- if value is not result:
- self[key] = result
- if type(result) in (ConvertingDict, ConvertingList,
- ConvertingTuple):
- result.parent = self
- result.key = key
- return result
- def pop(self, idx=-1):
- value = list.pop(self, idx)
- result = self.configurator.convert(value)
- if value is not result:
- if type(result) in (ConvertingDict, ConvertingList,
- ConvertingTuple):
- result.parent = self
- return result
- class ConvertingTuple(tuple):
- """A converting tuple wrapper."""
- def __getitem__(self, key):
- value = tuple.__getitem__(self, key)
- result = self.configurator.convert(value)
- if value is not result:
- if type(result) in (ConvertingDict, ConvertingList,
- ConvertingTuple):
- result.parent = self
- result.key = key
- return result
- class BaseConfigurator(object):
- """
- The configurator base class which defines some useful defaults.
- """
- CONVERT_PATTERN = re.compile(r'^(?P<prefix>[a-z]+)://(?P<suffix>.*)$')
- WORD_PATTERN = re.compile(r'^\s*(\w+)\s*')
- DOT_PATTERN = re.compile(r'^\.\s*(\w+)\s*')
- INDEX_PATTERN = re.compile(r'^\[\s*(\w+)\s*\]\s*')
- DIGIT_PATTERN = re.compile(r'^\d+$')
- value_converters = {
- 'ext' : 'ext_convert',
- 'cfg' : 'cfg_convert',
- }
- # We might want to use a different one, e.g. importlib
- importer = __import__
- def __init__(self, config):
- self.config = ConvertingDict(config)
- self.config.configurator = self
- def resolve(self, s):
- """
- Resolve strings to objects using standard import and attribute
- syntax.
- """
- name = s.split('.')
- used = name.pop(0)
- try:
- found = self.importer(used)
- for frag in name:
- used += '.' + frag
- try:
- found = getattr(found, frag)
- except AttributeError:
- self.importer(used)
- found = getattr(found, frag)
- return found
- except ImportError:
- e, tb = sys.exc_info()[1:]
- v = ValueError('Cannot resolve %r: %s' % (s, e))
- v.__cause__, v.__traceback__ = e, tb
- raise v
- def ext_convert(self, value):
- """Default converter for the ext:// protocol."""
- return self.resolve(value)
- def cfg_convert(self, value):
- """Default converter for the cfg:// protocol."""
- rest = value
- m = self.WORD_PATTERN.match(rest)
- if m is None:
- raise ValueError("Unable to convert %r" % value)
- else:
- rest = rest[m.end():]
- d = self.config[m.groups()[0]]
- # print d, rest
- while rest:
- m = self.DOT_PATTERN.match(rest)
- if m:
- d = d[m.groups()[0]]
- else:
- m = self.INDEX_PATTERN.match(rest)
- if m:
- idx = m.groups()[0]
- if not self.DIGIT_PATTERN.match(idx):
- d = d[idx]
- else:
- try:
- n = int(idx) # try as number first (most likely)
- d = d[n]
- except TypeError:
- d = d[idx]
- if m:
- rest = rest[m.end():]
- else:
- raise ValueError('Unable to convert '
- '%r at %r' % (value, rest))
- # rest should be empty
- return d
- def convert(self, value):
- """
- Convert values to an appropriate type. dicts, lists and tuples are
- replaced by their converting alternatives. Strings are checked to
- see if they have a conversion format and are converted if they do.
- """
- if not isinstance(value, ConvertingDict) and isinstance(value, dict):
- value = ConvertingDict(value)
- value.configurator = self
- elif not isinstance(value, ConvertingList) and isinstance(value, list):
- value = ConvertingList(value)
- value.configurator = self
- elif not isinstance(value, ConvertingTuple) and\
- isinstance(value, tuple):
- value = ConvertingTuple(value)
- value.configurator = self
- elif isinstance(value, six.string_types): # str for py3k
- m = self.CONVERT_PATTERN.match(value)
- if m:
- d = m.groupdict()
- prefix = d['prefix']
- converter = self.value_converters.get(prefix, None)
- if converter:
- suffix = d['suffix']
- converter = getattr(self, converter)
- value = converter(suffix)
- return value
- def configure_custom(self, config):
- """Configure an object with a user-supplied factory."""
- c = config.pop('()')
- if not hasattr(c, '__call__') and hasattr(types, 'ClassType') and type(c) != types.ClassType:
- c = self.resolve(c)
- props = config.pop('.', None)
- # Check for valid identifiers
- kwargs = dict((k, config[k]) for k in config if valid_ident(k))
- result = c(**kwargs)
- if props:
- for name, value in props.items():
- setattr(result, name, value)
- return result
- def as_tuple(self, value):
- """Utility function which converts lists to tuples."""
- if isinstance(value, list):
- value = tuple(value)
- return value
- class DictConfigurator(BaseConfigurator):
- """
- Configure logging using a dictionary-like object to describe the
- configuration.
- """
- def configure(self):
- """Do the configuration."""
- config = self.config
- if 'version' not in config:
- raise ValueError("dictionary doesn't specify a version")
- if config['version'] != 1:
- raise ValueError("Unsupported version: %s" % config['version'])
- incremental = config.pop('incremental', False)
- logging._acquireLock()
- try:
- if incremental:
- handlers = config.get('handlers', EMPTY_DICT)
- # incremental handler config only if handler name
- # ties in to logging._handlers (Python 2.7)
- if sys.version_info[:2] == (2, 7):
- for name in handlers:
- if name not in logging._handlers:
- raise ValueError('No handler found with '
- 'name %r' % name)
- else:
- try:
- handler = logging._handlers[name]
- handler_config = handlers[name]
- level = handler_config.get('level', None)
- if level:
- handler.setLevel(_checkLevel(level))
- except StandardError as e:
- raise ValueError('Unable to configure handler '
- '%r: %s' % (name, e))
- loggers = config.get('loggers', EMPTY_DICT)
- for name in loggers:
- try:
- self.configure_logger(name, loggers[name], True)
- except StandardError as e:
- raise ValueError('Unable to configure logger '
- '%r: %s' % (name, e))
- root = config.get('root', None)
- if root:
- try:
- self.configure_root(root, True)
- except StandardError as e:
- raise ValueError('Unable to configure root '
- 'logger: %s' % e)
- else:
- disable_existing = config.pop('disable_existing_loggers', True)
- logging._handlers.clear()
- del logging._handlerList[:]
- # Do formatters first - they don't refer to anything else
- formatters = config.get('formatters', EMPTY_DICT)
- for name in formatters:
- try:
- formatters[name] = self.configure_formatter(
- formatters[name])
- except StandardError as e:
- raise ValueError('Unable to configure '
- 'formatter %r: %s' % (name, e))
- # Next, do filters - they don't refer to anything else, either
- filters = config.get('filters', EMPTY_DICT)
- for name in filters:
- try:
- filters[name] = self.configure_filter(filters[name])
- except StandardError as e:
- raise ValueError('Unable to configure '
- 'filter %r: %s' % (name, e))
- # Next, do handlers - they refer to formatters and filters
- # As handlers can refer to other handlers, sort the keys
- # to allow a deterministic order of configuration
- handlers = config.get('handlers', EMPTY_DICT)
- for name in sorted(handlers):
- try:
- handler = self.configure_handler(handlers[name])
- handler.name = name
- handlers[name] = handler
- except StandardError as e:
- raise ValueError('Unable to configure handler '
- '%r: %s' % (name, e))
- # Next, do loggers - they refer to handlers and filters
- # we don't want to lose the existing loggers,
- # since other threads may have pointers to them.
- # existing is set to contain all existing loggers,
- # and as we go through the new configuration we
- # remove any which are configured. At the end,
- # what's left in existing is the set of loggers
- # which were in the previous configuration but
- # which are not in the new configuration.
- root = logging.root
- existing = list(root.manager.loggerDict)
- # The list needs to be sorted so that we can
- # avoid disabling child loggers of explicitly
- # named loggers. With a sorted list it is easier
- # to find the child loggers.
- existing.sort()
- # We'll keep the list of existing loggers
- # which are children of named loggers here...
- child_loggers = []
- # now set up the new ones...
- loggers = config.get('loggers', EMPTY_DICT)
- for name in loggers:
- if name in existing:
- i = existing.index(name)
- prefixed = name + "."
- pflen = len(prefixed)
- num_existing = len(existing)
- i = i + 1 # look at the entry after name
- while (i < num_existing) and\
- (existing[i][:pflen] == prefixed):
- child_loggers.append(existing[i])
- i = i + 1
- existing.remove(name)
- try:
- self.configure_logger(name, loggers[name])
- except StandardError as e:
- raise ValueError('Unable to configure logger '
- '%r: %s' % (name, e))
- # Disable any old loggers. There's no point deleting
- # them as other threads may continue to hold references
- # and by disabling them, you stop them doing any logging.
- # However, don't disable children of named loggers, as that's
- # probably not what was intended by the user.
- for log in existing:
- logger = root.manager.loggerDict[log]
- if log in child_loggers:
- logger.level = logging.NOTSET
- logger.handlers = []
- logger.propagate = True
- elif disable_existing:
- logger.disabled = True
- # And finally, do the root logger
- root = config.get('root', None)
- if root:
- try:
- self.configure_root(root)
- except StandardError as e:
- raise ValueError('Unable to configure root '
- 'logger: %s' % e)
- finally:
- logging._releaseLock()
- def configure_formatter(self, config):
- """Configure a formatter from a dictionary."""
- if '()' in config:
- factory = config['()'] # for use in exception handler
- try:
- result = self.configure_custom(config)
- except TypeError as te:
- if "'format'" not in str(te):
- raise
- # Name of parameter changed from fmt to format.
- # Retry with old name.
- # This is so that code can be used with older Python versions
- #(e.g. by Django)
- config['fmt'] = config.pop('format')
- config['()'] = factory
- result = self.configure_custom(config)
- else:
- fmt = config.get('format', None)
- dfmt = config.get('datefmt', None)
- result = logging.Formatter(fmt, dfmt)
- return result
- def configure_filter(self, config):
- """Configure a filter from a dictionary."""
- if '()' in config:
- result = self.configure_custom(config)
- else:
- name = config.get('name', '')
- result = logging.Filter(name)
- return result
- def add_filters(self, filterer, filters):
- """Add filters to a filterer from a list of names."""
- for f in filters:
- try:
- filterer.addFilter(self.config['filters'][f])
- except StandardError as e:
- raise ValueError('Unable to add filter %r: %s' % (f, e))
- def configure_handler(self, config):
- """Configure a handler from a dictionary."""
- formatter = config.pop('formatter', None)
- if formatter:
- try:
- formatter = self.config['formatters'][formatter]
- except StandardError as e:
- raise ValueError('Unable to set formatter '
- '%r: %s' % (formatter, e))
- level = config.pop('level', None)
- filters = config.pop('filters', None)
- if '()' in config:
- c = config.pop('()')
- if not hasattr(c, '__call__') and hasattr(types, 'ClassType') and type(c) != types.ClassType:
- c = self.resolve(c)
- factory = c
- else:
- klass = self.resolve(config.pop('class'))
- # Special case for handler which refers to another handler
- if issubclass(klass, logging.handlers.MemoryHandler) and\
- 'target' in config:
- try:
- config['target'] = self.config['handlers'][config['target']]
- except StandardError as e:
- raise ValueError('Unable to set target handler '
- '%r: %s' % (config['target'], e))
- elif issubclass(klass, logging.handlers.SMTPHandler) and\
- 'mailhost' in config:
- config['mailhost'] = self.as_tuple(config['mailhost'])
- elif issubclass(klass, logging.handlers.SysLogHandler) and\
- 'address' in config:
- config['address'] = self.as_tuple(config['address'])
- factory = klass
- kwargs = dict((k, config[k]) for k in config if valid_ident(k))
- try:
- result = factory(**kwargs)
- except TypeError as te:
- if "'stream'" not in str(te):
- raise
- # The argument name changed from strm to stream
- # Retry with old name.
- # This is so that code can be used with older Python versions
- #(e.g. by Django)
- kwargs['strm'] = kwargs.pop('stream')
- result = factory(**kwargs)
- if formatter:
- result.setFormatter(formatter)
- if level is not None:
- result.setLevel(_checkLevel(level))
- if filters:
- self.add_filters(result, filters)
- return result
- def add_handlers(self, logger, handlers):
- """Add handlers to a logger from a list of names."""
- for h in handlers:
- try:
- logger.addHandler(self.config['handlers'][h])
- except StandardError as e:
- raise ValueError('Unable to add handler %r: %s' % (h, e))
- def common_logger_config(self, logger, config, incremental=False):
- """
- Perform configuration which is common to root and non-root loggers.
- """
- level = config.get('level', None)
- if level is not None:
- logger.setLevel(_checkLevel(level))
- if not incremental:
- # Remove any existing handlers
- for h in logger.handlers[:]:
- logger.removeHandler(h)
- handlers = config.get('handlers', None)
- if handlers:
- self.add_handlers(logger, handlers)
- filters = config.get('filters', None)
- if filters:
- self.add_filters(logger, filters)
- def configure_logger(self, name, config, incremental=False):
- """Configure a non-root logger from a dictionary."""
- logger = logging.getLogger(name)
- self.common_logger_config(logger, config, incremental)
- propagate = config.get('propagate', None)
- if propagate is not None:
- logger.propagate = propagate
- def configure_root(self, config, incremental=False):
- """Configure a root logger from a dictionary."""
- root = logging.getLogger()
- self.common_logger_config(root, config, incremental)
- dictConfigClass = DictConfigurator
- def dictConfig(config):
- """Configure logging using a dictionary."""
- dictConfigClass(config).configure()