123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388 |
- # sqlalchemy/exc.py
- # Copyright (C) 2005-2017 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors
- # <see AUTHORS file>
- #
- # This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under
- # the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
- """Exceptions used with SQLAlchemy.
- The base exception class is :exc:`.SQLAlchemyError`. Exceptions which are
- raised as a result of DBAPI exceptions are all subclasses of
- :exc:`.DBAPIError`.
- """
- class SQLAlchemyError(Exception):
- """Generic error class."""
- class ArgumentError(SQLAlchemyError):
- """Raised when an invalid or conflicting function argument is supplied.
- This error generally corresponds to construction time state errors.
- """
- class ObjectNotExecutableError(ArgumentError):
- """Raised when an object is passed to .execute() that can't be
- executed as SQL.
- .. versionadded:: 1.1
- """
- def __init__(self, target):
- super(ObjectNotExecutableError, self).__init__(
- "Not an executable object: %r" % target
- )
- class NoSuchModuleError(ArgumentError):
- """Raised when a dynamically-loaded module (usually a database dialect)
- of a particular name cannot be located."""
- class NoForeignKeysError(ArgumentError):
- """Raised when no foreign keys can be located between two selectables
- during a join."""
- class AmbiguousForeignKeysError(ArgumentError):
- """Raised when more than one foreign key matching can be located
- between two selectables during a join."""
- class CircularDependencyError(SQLAlchemyError):
- """Raised by topological sorts when a circular dependency is detected.
- There are two scenarios where this error occurs:
- * In a Session flush operation, if two objects are mutually dependent
- on each other, they can not be inserted or deleted via INSERT or
- DELETE statements alone; an UPDATE will be needed to post-associate
- or pre-deassociate one of the foreign key constrained values.
- The ``post_update`` flag described at :ref:`post_update` can resolve
- this cycle.
- * In a :attr:`.MetaData.sorted_tables` operation, two :class:`.ForeignKey`
- or :class:`.ForeignKeyConstraint` objects mutually refer to each
- other. Apply the ``use_alter=True`` flag to one or both,
- see :ref:`use_alter`.
- """
- def __init__(self, message, cycles, edges, msg=None):
- if msg is None:
- message += " (%s)" % ", ".join(repr(s) for s in cycles)
- else:
- message = msg
- SQLAlchemyError.__init__(self, message)
- self.cycles = cycles
- self.edges = edges
- def __reduce__(self):
- return self.__class__, (None, self.cycles,
- self.edges, self.args[0])
- class CompileError(SQLAlchemyError):
- """Raised when an error occurs during SQL compilation"""
- class UnsupportedCompilationError(CompileError):
- """Raised when an operation is not supported by the given compiler.
- .. versionadded:: 0.8.3
- """
- def __init__(self, compiler, element_type):
- super(UnsupportedCompilationError, self).__init__(
- "Compiler %r can't render element of type %s" %
- (compiler, element_type))
- class IdentifierError(SQLAlchemyError):
- """Raised when a schema name is beyond the max character limit"""
- class DisconnectionError(SQLAlchemyError):
- """A disconnect is detected on a raw DB-API connection.
- This error is raised and consumed internally by a connection pool. It can
- be raised by the :meth:`.PoolEvents.checkout` event so that the host pool
- forces a retry; the exception will be caught three times in a row before
- the pool gives up and raises :class:`~sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError`
- regarding the connection attempt.
- """
- class TimeoutError(SQLAlchemyError):
- """Raised when a connection pool times out on getting a connection."""
- class InvalidRequestError(SQLAlchemyError):
- """SQLAlchemy was asked to do something it can't do.
- This error generally corresponds to runtime state errors.
- """
- class NoInspectionAvailable(InvalidRequestError):
- """A subject passed to :func:`sqlalchemy.inspection.inspect` produced
- no context for inspection."""
- class ResourceClosedError(InvalidRequestError):
- """An operation was requested from a connection, cursor, or other
- object that's in a closed state."""
- class NoSuchColumnError(KeyError, InvalidRequestError):
- """A nonexistent column is requested from a ``RowProxy``."""
- class NoReferenceError(InvalidRequestError):
- """Raised by ``ForeignKey`` to indicate a reference cannot be resolved."""
- class NoReferencedTableError(NoReferenceError):
- """Raised by ``ForeignKey`` when the referred ``Table`` cannot be
- located.
- """
- def __init__(self, message, tname):
- NoReferenceError.__init__(self, message)
- self.table_name = tname
- def __reduce__(self):
- return self.__class__, (self.args[0], self.table_name)
- class NoReferencedColumnError(NoReferenceError):
- """Raised by ``ForeignKey`` when the referred ``Column`` cannot be
- located.
- """
- def __init__(self, message, tname, cname):
- NoReferenceError.__init__(self, message)
- self.table_name = tname
- self.column_name = cname
- def __reduce__(self):
- return self.__class__, (self.args[0], self.table_name,
- self.column_name)
- class NoSuchTableError(InvalidRequestError):
- """Table does not exist or is not visible to a connection."""
- class UnboundExecutionError(InvalidRequestError):
- """SQL was attempted without a database connection to execute it on."""
- class DontWrapMixin(object):
- """A mixin class which, when applied to a user-defined Exception class,
- will not be wrapped inside of :exc:`.StatementError` if the error is
- emitted within the process of executing a statement.
- E.g.::
- from sqlalchemy.exc import DontWrapMixin
- class MyCustomException(Exception, DontWrapMixin):
- pass
- class MySpecialType(TypeDecorator):
- impl = String
- def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect):
- if value == 'invalid':
- raise MyCustomException("invalid!")
- """
- # Moved to orm.exc; compatibility definition installed by orm import until 0.6
- UnmappedColumnError = None
- class StatementError(SQLAlchemyError):
- """An error occurred during execution of a SQL statement.
- :class:`StatementError` wraps the exception raised
- during execution, and features :attr:`.statement`
- and :attr:`.params` attributes which supply context regarding
- the specifics of the statement which had an issue.
- The wrapped exception object is available in
- the :attr:`.orig` attribute.
- """
- statement = None
- """The string SQL statement being invoked when this exception occurred."""
- params = None
- """The parameter list being used when this exception occurred."""
- orig = None
- """The DBAPI exception object."""
- def __init__(self, message, statement, params, orig):
- SQLAlchemyError.__init__(self, message)
- self.statement = statement
- self.params = params
- self.orig = orig
- self.detail = []
- def add_detail(self, msg):
- self.detail.append(msg)
- def __reduce__(self):
- return self.__class__, (self.args[0], self.statement,
- self.params, self.orig)
- def __str__(self):
- from sqlalchemy.sql import util
- details = [SQLAlchemyError.__str__(self)]
- if self.statement:
- details.append("[SQL: %r]" % self.statement)
- if self.params:
- params_repr = util._repr_params(self.params, 10)
- details.append("[parameters: %r]" % params_repr)
- return ' '.join([
- "(%s)" % det for det in self.detail
- ] + details)
- def __unicode__(self):
- return self.__str__()
- class DBAPIError(StatementError):
- """Raised when the execution of a database operation fails.
- Wraps exceptions raised by the DB-API underlying the
- database operation. Driver-specific implementations of the standard
- DB-API exception types are wrapped by matching sub-types of SQLAlchemy's
- :class:`DBAPIError` when possible. DB-API's ``Error`` type maps to
- :class:`DBAPIError` in SQLAlchemy, otherwise the names are identical. Note
- that there is no guarantee that different DB-API implementations will
- raise the same exception type for any given error condition.
- :class:`DBAPIError` features :attr:`~.StatementError.statement`
- and :attr:`~.StatementError.params` attributes which supply context
- regarding the specifics of the statement which had an issue, for the
- typical case when the error was raised within the context of
- emitting a SQL statement.
- The wrapped exception object is available in the
- :attr:`~.StatementError.orig` attribute. Its type and properties are
- DB-API implementation specific.
- """
- @classmethod
- def instance(cls, statement, params,
- orig, dbapi_base_err,
- connection_invalidated=False,
- dialect=None):
- # Don't ever wrap these, just return them directly as if
- # DBAPIError didn't exist.
- if (isinstance(orig, BaseException) and
- not isinstance(orig, Exception)) or \
- isinstance(orig, DontWrapMixin):
- return orig
- if orig is not None:
- # not a DBAPI error, statement is present.
- # raise a StatementError
- if not isinstance(orig, dbapi_base_err) and statement:
- return StatementError(
- "(%s.%s) %s" %
- (orig.__class__.__module__, orig.__class__.__name__,
- orig),
- statement, params, orig
- )
- glob = globals()
- for super_ in orig.__class__.__mro__:
- name = super_.__name__
- if dialect:
- name = dialect.dbapi_exception_translation_map.get(
- name, name)
- if name in glob and issubclass(glob[name], DBAPIError):
- cls = glob[name]
- break
- return cls(statement, params, orig, connection_invalidated)
- def __reduce__(self):
- return self.__class__, (self.statement, self.params,
- self.orig, self.connection_invalidated)
- def __init__(self, statement, params, orig, connection_invalidated=False):
- try:
- text = str(orig)
- except Exception as e:
- text = 'Error in str() of DB-API-generated exception: ' + str(e)
- StatementError.__init__(
- self,
- '(%s.%s) %s' % (
- orig.__class__.__module__, orig.__class__.__name__, text, ),
- statement,
- params,
- orig
- )
- self.connection_invalidated = connection_invalidated
- class InterfaceError(DBAPIError):
- """Wraps a DB-API InterfaceError."""
- class DatabaseError(DBAPIError):
- """Wraps a DB-API DatabaseError."""
- class DataError(DatabaseError):
- """Wraps a DB-API DataError."""
- class OperationalError(DatabaseError):
- """Wraps a DB-API OperationalError."""
- class IntegrityError(DatabaseError):
- """Wraps a DB-API IntegrityError."""
- class InternalError(DatabaseError):
- """Wraps a DB-API InternalError."""
- class ProgrammingError(DatabaseError):
- """Wraps a DB-API ProgrammingError."""
- class NotSupportedError(DatabaseError):
- """Wraps a DB-API NotSupportedError."""
- # Warnings
- class SADeprecationWarning(DeprecationWarning):
- """Issued once per usage of a deprecated API."""
- class SAPendingDeprecationWarning(PendingDeprecationWarning):
- """Issued once per usage of a deprecated API."""
- class SAWarning(RuntimeWarning):
- """Issued at runtime."""